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  ִ ࣪𖤐 Aaria
*Reference pictures of Aaria.
We wake up at 8 o clock sharp and get ready straight away. I wear a blue mini dress and white Jordan's with my hair up in a high bun. April and Marianna are ready while Aiden is taking forever. All three of us wait in the lobby on the big red sofas waiting for Aiden to come and we can all start the trail. He's 25 minutes late. If it weren't for Marianna and April I would have definitely killed this child.

When we reach the trail we find out that it takes 5-7 months to finish that trail and after finding that out Marianna complete loses her mind. She have her finals by the end of this week so does April. Despite the long trail and not having enough time we decide to start it and see where we end up in one week. We start the trail and we all have bags on our backs, we have torches and bandaids and all sorts of stuff, specially sunscreen. After walking for a while we all were mesmerised by this beautiful water spring coming from a mountain and it was absolutely beautiful. The water was falling slowly and it felt as if time has stopped, the water continued going from the right towards the left side, flowing right beneath our feet and towards the left side. There are round pebbles and the water passing through each of them. April pushes Marianna into the springs water and she screams back and then burst out in laughter. Marianna gets up and pulls April towards her the both girls are giggling like two little 5 year olds who are taking a shower. Aiden is just smiling from afar while looking at the two. I push him towards them and they both pull him into the water and that marks the beginning of a water fight. I take out my camera and start to film all three of them enjoying. After this we continue our trail and walk till our feet starts to hurt. After every few minutes of us walking we experience a new view, the more we walk the more we went higher into the mountains and it couldn't get better. First we didn't wanted to stop at all so we just kept walking and the weather was quiet hot but we survived through it. As evening began it started to get colder and colder, we all took out our jackets and wore them.

It's 9PM and April still wanted to continue walking but it wasn't logical at all as it was dark and cold. Even though we could have rented rooms we still wanted to camp. We took out our tent and Aiden and Marianna started to plant it right away, while me and April started collecting woods to start a bone fire. Soon we both founded enough woods to start one and as I was placing them inside a circle made from rocks I noticed April looking at Aiden and Marianna giggling together. I smirk a little and proceed to lit up a fire with a lighter and it was a success. As the fire was lit, I snapped at April.
" hey"
" oh yeah?" She says
" we made a fire, child"
" oh yeah cool" she says with a worried expression
" something wrong sweet heart ?"
" oh no, nothing is wrong"
" are you worried about your finals coming up or seeing Marianna and Aiden smile together "
I knew I hit the right spot because she didn't expect me to say this out of the blue.
" what.? No no"
" I was 19 too"
" it's nothing like this, I'm just shocked to see Aiden and Marianna like this. I didn't knew they would bond this well" she says looking at them with a painful smile and the fires light igniting her half face, her curly hair glowing and her eyes seem as if they are confused and her hurt.
" Whatever it is, you will figure it out"
" And how do you know that?"
" Because I know you. You always figure out solutions to problems"
" for you kind information I'm not in any sort of problem related to Aiden-"
" yeah yeah I know" I say while smirking towards her and I head to Aiden and Marianna to see how much process have they made. The tent was up and we all sat around the fire and make smores and laugh.
" you know kids it's been a while since I've seen you all happy like this" I say
" it's been long since life felt better" says Marianna
" yeah life got real after we all grew up" says Aiden looking at the fire.
" It's kind of hard sometimes" says April
" but it will get easier" says Aiden facing towards April
" How do you know that ?"
" life alway gets better, you never know what's in front of you" Aiden says with such seriousness.
" uh it's getting too deep yall, I'm not in the mood to cry" I say and they all laugh again. We all head to our tent and sleep in our sleeping bags and hope for the best tomorrow.

We all get waken up by aprils super energetic voice.
" You guys have to wake up" she says
" what now? Asks Aiden
We all get up to go outside to see one of the most and amazing sun rise we have ever seen. It was only one sun that was rising yet creating all these Color's in the sky, blue,pink,yellow,orange. And after seeing such beautiful sunset from a mountain I realised something, Sometimes life is like that too before rising up, dark is necessary to come and after the dark when the life ( sun) rise it doesn't only rise it rises with Color's, all sorts of bright and beautiful Color's such Color's that human eye can't deny but to look at it and be mesmerised by it. Even though the dark can be long long night doesn't mean that sun won't come up. Day and night are incomplete without each other so if life without ups and downs.

After watching the sunrise we all pack up our stuff and start our journey once again. This time something new awaits for us.

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