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My trail of tears runs like a river
The river runs through my town of thoughts
Like a wild fire it drowns out the happiness and joy

Until the rain dries.

And I feel happy once more
Until the sun shines and the light begins to brighten
Happy thoughts spread like a sugar high through my heart

A person comes to pick up my river
in little buckets and carry it away

But the buckets drown and they go down too

They say that there is to much water for this little pail

And they give up.

Than my tears begin to flow like a river as they walk away
They always say things
"Never mind" or "I give up"
Even "it's useless"
"Pointless" even

"Am I useless?" I ask myself as my thoughts drown the happy ones once more and the rain drops again

The river turns to an ocean until there is nothing left but water
Than I am drowning in my own tears
Until it meets my chest and drowns my heart a second, while my mind plays what they repeat on a chime
"I give up on you"
They would chime to my mind until the day I die

Becuase it's true

I am pointless to try and save

Ghosting Happiness                     (POEM BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now