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As gentle as a kiss or as rough as death
Rain can be as sweet as sugar or as hurtful as thunder

Rolling through the land with a calmly tap the rain cleanses the earth of humanity's waste

Rolling like waves
Tapping like rain
Flowing like rivers
Even as still as lakes

Water can be as many times more potential than just a single drop
A single drop as harmless as a wild flower but an ocean as scary as a cobra ready to strike

Water is like knife
Sharp but harmless in the hands of pure
As deadly as an assassin in the hands of the wrong

Everything of water has a potential to be hurtful or calm

But something people don't realize is that even raindrops can be fatal

In the hands of the tainted with water it's so much as a drop can be fatal

With the enemies that lie near you, be carful which drop of water you choose trust

Ghosting Happiness                     (POEM BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now