Your Father Is A Spy?

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DJ arrives at his father's house on his motorcycle. Granny was trimming the bushes and looked up at him, "Little Damian." DJ gazes up as he gets off, "Hey, Granny. Hi, Tweety." Tweety grins as he sits in his cage, "How was work today?" Sylvester looks at Tweety as DJ answers, "Eventful." Granny nods, "What a nice young man." As Sylvester tries to grab Tweety, Granny, without realizing it, ends up cutting Sylvester's tail which makes him scream painfully and jump.

Damian Drake's painting moves as DJ walks into his house. Somehow Daffy comes out of DJ's backpack, startling the man. "Guess who? So, did you miss me?" Daffy kisses DJ on the cheek. "Hey, how did you-?" DJ gasps, wiping his cheek. Suddenly, the door opens, and Malin enters the house, "Sorry, Drake. Daffy had to go with you." She mutters with annoyance.

Daffy laughs, "I'm glad I was fired. In a few days, they'll be kissing my befeathered rump... begging me to come back. But I won't." DJ glances at Malin as Daffy runs around in the house, "Did I just miss the whole part where I invited you in?" Daffy ignores DJ, "I'll be too busy accepting numerous, multiple offers. Every studio in town will..." He reacts as he sees a newspaper. "Hey!" Daffy looks at the newspaper that says 'Duck Plucked: Idiot duck destroys studio.',  in shock.

"Who am I kidding? My career is over."

DJ Drake bends down to Daffy, "Perhaps I was being too polite. GET OUT!" Malin rolls her eyes as Daffy dramatically whines, "I'll starve! I'll have to eat envelope glue. Wait, a sushi bar! Yum yum!" He runs to DJ's aquarium and grabs a fish to eat. Malin gasps, "No no no no no!" She grabs Daffy's neck and opens Daffy's mouth to get the fish out and puts it back in the aquarium. "Daffy."

"Yes." Daffy chokes. DJ approaches the two, "Leave my father's house. Now." DJ presses Daffy's head like a can as he walks away, until he gets his body to normal and prepares to play piano, but only to ask DJ, "You live with Daddy?" 

"Yeah, so? Just, you know, kind of temporarily." 

Daffy whines, "I've hit rock bottom. I'm hanging out with a security guard who lives with his father." He cries then notices some posters on the wall. Malin gazes at them, and points at a poster, "My grease and gravy! Your dad is Damian Drake. The super spy." DJ shrugs, "He's an actor who plays a spy."

Daffy touches Damian's I Spy magnifying glass, as it falls down to the ground and the glass breaks. "And that? That was his I Spy Award." DJ grumbles. Malin is in awe, "Ingenious." Daffy grabs an apple after looking through the magnifying glass, "An actor playing a super spy as a cover for being a super spy playing an actor. In fact, I'll bet this whole dump is a super spy lair. Nothing is as it seems. You know, you're probably protected by an invisible force field right this minute." He hits DJ with an apple. 

"Aha! The force field-penetrating apple." Daffy points accusingly. DJ Drake huffs in annoyance, "Just feel free to continue your delusional ranting... while I answer my... remote?" The TV remote is beeping. DJ picks it up and holds it to his ear like a phone.


DJ clicks a button on the remote, which triggers a projector popping out of the couch, then the painting on the wall pulls away to reveal live footage of Damian.


 DJ slowly sits on the couch in confusion, "Dad? What are you doing in the painting?" Malin sits next to him, watching silently as Daffy joins. Damian Drake grunts, "I wanted to keep you out of this, but there's no one else I can trust." 

Shouting is heard in the background, "Stop him!"

 "Can you hold on a second?" Damian Drake fights off the guards. Malin frowns, "Are you shooting a movie or something?" Daffy Duck shakes in excitement, "A new Damian Drake movie? Cool." Damian Drake grunts, "Come to Las Vegas. Ask Dusty Tails for the Blue Monkey." DJ frowns, "The Blue Monkey? What's a Blue Monkey?" 

"A diamond. A very special diamond. Find Dusty Tails." 

"Dad, you need me to call the police or something?"

Damian Drake throws grenade at the henchmen, "No. No police." 

"Dad, are you all right?" 

"I'm sorry I never told you this before, but I..." 

They lose the signal and the painting comes back down. DJ stands up, "Dad?"

"Diamond? I'm rich!" Daffy gets dollar signs in his eye, then his head morphs into a money bag with opens and spills diamonds leaving him headless, and his head pops back, "I've joined the leisure class." Malin smacks Daffy in the back of the head, "Daffy!"

DJ moves around the couch, "I gotta go save my dad." Malin shoves Daffy away and runs up to DJ with the duck trailing, "Your dad, yeah. So count me in!" Daffy shoves her side and moves in front of her to the man, "A spy caper. Double agents, exploding bikinis, tigers hanging from helicopters! I'm through with show biz! From now on, I'm gonna live the adventure. Next stop, Las Vegas!" 

DJ Drake grabs keys off the counter, "I'll take my dad's old car." Daffy grins and rubs his hands together, "A super spy car. Let's ride." Malin runs up to DJ and opens the garage door to see the vehicle, "This isn't a spy car." 

Daffy ignores her, "Your dad is a spy. Ipso ergo, a spy car." The car the heroes are taking is a Gremlin car. They get in and Malin sits in the back with Daffy next to DJ. DJ Drake glares at Daffy, "I used to deliver pizzas in this car."

"Secret pizzas?"

DJ grabs Daffy by the neck and throws him out of the car. Malin chuckles as Daffy sticks his head through the window, "A spy pie, maybe? Fine, be that way. But it's definitely a-" His voice pitch rises as his beak gets stuck on the windshield, "spy car! A little help here?" Malin punches Daffy off the windshield closed on his beak. DJ shakes his head, "Ducks. For some reason, I like you Malin. Not as annoying as Daffy." 

Malin hops in the passenger seat, "Thanks." DJ drives the car out of the garage, but as he stops, Daffy appears behind him and Malin. Daffy leans over their shoulders, "You know how I know it's a spy car? Because it looks ab-ssss-solutely nothing like a spy car." Malin knocks Daffy out. As soon as they leave the garage, the car platform flips to reveal a silver car, waiting to be driven.

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