Getting Them Back

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Kate arrives at DJ's house. "Hello?" She knocks on the door and opens it, "Hello?" She takes off her sunglasses and knocks again, and then she explores his house. "Hello? DJ? I'm not here to fire you again. I just want to know if that duck told you where he was going."

Then she entered the bathroom as the shower was heard in it. After that, a shadow appears, but it's Kate opening the shower curtains. Then Bugs Bunny screams like Marion from Psycho movie, and Kate looks at him. Bugs keeps screaming as Kate looks serious, and then Bugs reaches and grabs a shower curtain, pulls it off, and disassembles it as he passes out by falling on the shower side. Then Bugs pours chocolate sauce, pretending that it's blood, and it falls into the shower hole as Bugs is seen faking death as he talks to her.

"Doesn't anyone knock anymore?"

Kate Houghton exits the bathroom with Bugs following, "Why are you torturing me? What have I ever done that..." After she looks at one of Damian Drake's posters, and his photos with DJ, she recognizes her mistake.

"Great. I just fired the son of our biggest star. This has been a career-making day, Kate. First, you get rid of the duck and rabbit that everybody hates... but then, of course, they all want them back." She begins to cry, "And worst of all, you get into a big fight with Bugs Bunny... who you revere and who you've tried to model your life after."

As she is moping, Bugs is next to her, inside of a knight armor. "Oh, I hate to see a grown man cry. Especially when it's a girl. Listen, toots, would it stop the waterworks if I told you Daffy was going to Las Vegas with that guy DJ and Malin?"

"It might."

Bugs Bunny grabs her arm and leads her into the garage, "Well, how's about we travel in style in this?" He and Kate get on the spy car, "Las Vegas, Jeeves." The Spy Car GPS communicates, "Taking you to Las Vegas."

The car drives off, shedding Sylvester of his fur as he tries to catch Tweety. As they drive down a road in the desert, Bugs is singing Viva Las Vegas, but Kate, irritated, throws his guitar on the road. Bugs sends her a glare, "You've got no music in your soul, sister."

"I am aware of that, yes."

Bugs eyes the buttons in the car, "He sure went for all the extras. What a maroon." Kate sends a warning look at the rabbit, "Don't touch anything. This is Damian Drake's car-" Bugs Bunny ignores her words, "Let's see." He presses a missile launcher button. Kate gasps, "No, no!"

The missile exits through the rear of the car as they see an explosion behind them. Bugs smiles, "What does this one do?" The rabbit pressed a button that serves him a carrot in a glass water.

"Shaken, not stirred, sir." The Spy Car GPS spoke. Bugs Bunny grabs the drink and leans back in the seat, "It's 5:00 somewhere." Kate Houghton glares at him, "If you touch one more thing--"

"Shh. I'm about to defy you." Bugs is about to press a button, but Kate presses it before him. The rabbit smirks at his trick as she groans. "Now you done it." He laughs. The Spy Car GPS alerts the two, "Arms at your side, please. Formalwear activated."

Kate screams as the car changes her clothes and tossing them out of the car. Soon, she is dressed in a pretty pink dress while Bugs is put in a tuxedo. Their eyes widened in surprise. Bugs chuckles at Kate, "You clean up nice, kid."

"No!" She moans.

Bugs carefully places his half-empty glass in the car's cupholder and take a moment to admire the daisy pinned to his tuxedo. The delicate petals, tinged with a soft yellow hue, gently sway as he twirls the flower between his fingers. His mind drifts to thoughts of Malin, his girlfriend, who adores daisies. Suddenly, the jingle of his phone captures his attention, and he sees a message from Malin. It's a huge relief to learn that they are already halfway to Las Vegas and are in a secure location. With a sense of urgency, he swiftly crafts a message to inform her that he has located the pendant. A chime alerts him to her response - a simple yet reassuring thumbs up emoji. A rush of relief and elation floods over him as he realizes that she is safe and on her way to their destination.

Bugs steals another glance at the delicate flower, and as his eyes linger on its petals, a vivid scene unfolds in his mind. He sees Malin standing in a sunlit meadow, her figure draped in an elegant white dress that billows gently in the breeze. In her hands, she holds a radiant bouquet of daisies, their golden centers, a striking contrast against the pure white petals. The image is so lifelike that Bugs blinks in surprise, but as quickly as it appears, it dissipates into thin air. "Why am I envisioning her like that?" Bugs murmurs to himself, bemused by the unexpected daydream. Shaking his head slightly, he turns his attention back to the passing landscape, trying to make sense of the fleeting yet vivid reverie.

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