Chapter 2: **First Encounter**

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The sun was just beginning to rise as Muichiro walked to school, his senses alert for any signs of danger. The weight of his past as an assassin settled heavily on his shoulders, but his determination to protect Nezuko was unwavering.

As he entered the school grounds, he noticed the usual hustle and bustle of students starting their day. Among the crowd, he saw Nezuko chatting animatedly with Makomo, her best friend. Nezuko's laughter was like a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.

"Muichiro!" Nezuko called out, waving him over. "Come meet Makomo!"

Muichiro approached them, his serene expression softening as he greeted Nezuko. "Good morning, Nezuko. Nice to meet you, Makomo."

Makomo, a petite girl with short, dark hair and bright eyes, smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you too, Muichiro. Nezuko's told me a lot about you."

Muichiro felt a hint of warmth at her words. "I hope only good things."

Nezuko giggled. "Of course! Makomo, did you know Muichiro's an amazing artist? He showed me some of his sketches yesterday."

Makomo's eyes widened with interest. "Really? I'd love to see them sometime."

As they chatted, Muichiro's attention was drawn to a group of boys nearby. Tanjiro, Nezuko's brother, stood with his friends Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Genya. Tanjiro's warm, friendly demeanor contrasted sharply with Inosuke's wild energy and Zenitsu's jittery behavior. Genya, tall and imposing, seemed reserved but was constantly glancing at Ume, the school's popular cheerleader.

"Hey, Nezuko!" Tanjiro called out, waving her over. "Come on, we're going to be late for class!"

Nezuko smiled and turned to Muichiro and Makomo. "Let's go, guys."

As they walked together, Ume, the school's queen bee, strutted by with her entourage. She glanced at Muichiro, her eyes narrowing in appraisal. "Well, well, if it isn't Nezuko and her little group. Who's this?" She looked Muichiro up and down, a smirk playing on her lips. "I have to admit, you're pretty hot. Too bad you hang out with these losers."

Nezuko frowned, stepping protectively closer to Muichiro. "Leave him alone, Ume. He's our friend."

Ume scoffed. "Whatever. Just don't let him drag you down, Nezuko." She tossed her hair and walked away, her entourage following closely.

Muichiro remained calm, unaffected by Ume's words. He was used to such behavior, having faced far worse in his past. "Ignore her, Nezuko. She's not worth it."

Nezuko nodded, her eyes reflecting her appreciation. "Thanks, Muichiro. Let's go to class."


Their first class of the day was history, taught by Gyomei Himejima, a towering figure with a gentle voice. Muichiro found himself seated near the back, next to Senjuro Rengoku, the younger brother of their vibrant gym teacher, Kyojuro Rengoku.

"Hi, I'm Senjuro," the boy introduced himself with a shy smile. "You're new here, right?"

Muichiro nodded. "Yes, I transferred recently. Nice to meet you, Senjuro."

Senjuro's eyes lit up. "My brother mentioned you. He said you seem very focused. He's our gym teacher, by the way."

Muichiro smiled faintly. "I've heard about him. He seems... enthusiastic."

Senjuro chuckled. "That's one way to put it."

As the class went on, Muichiro noticed Zenitsu constantly glancing back at him. During a break, Zenitsu approached, his expression filled with a mixture of curiosity and jealousy.

"Hey, Muichiro," Zenitsu began, his tone challenging. "I hear you've been hanging out with Nezuko a lot."

Muichiro met his gaze calmly. "Yes, I have. Is there a problem?"

Zenitsu huffed. "Just don't get too comfortable. Nezuko deserves someone who really appreciates her."

Muichiro's eyes narrowed slightly. "And you think that someone is you?"

Zenitsu blushed but stood his ground. "Maybe. Just... watch yourself."

Muichiro's expression remained unreadable. "Noted."


After classes, Muichiro found himself in the school courtyard, under the same cherry blossom tree where he had first spoken to Nezuko. He sat quietly, lost in thought, when Senjuro approached.

"Mind if I join you?" Senjuro asked, holding two cans of soda.

Muichiro nodded. "Sure."

Senjuro handed him a soda and sat down. "So, how are you finding our school?"

Muichiro took a sip of the soda, the cold beverage a welcome distraction. "It's nice. Different from what I'm used to."

Senjuro smiled. "I'm glad you like it. My brother always says that high school should be a place for making good memories."

Muichiro's gaze softened. "Your brother seems very wise."

Senjuro laughed. "He tries to be. By the way, I noticed you get along well with Nezuko. She's really sweet, isn't she?"

Muichiro nodded, a small smile forming. "Yes, she is. She's... different from anyone I've met before."

As they talked, Muichiro felt a sense of normalcy he hadn't experienced in a long time. It was a stark contrast to the shadowy world he had left behind, and for the first time, he allowed himself to hope that maybe, just maybe, he could have a place here.


That evening, as Muichiro walked Nezuko home again, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. His instincts were on high alert, but he kept his expression calm to avoid worrying Nezuko.

"Muichiro, thank you for walking me home," Nezuko said, her eyes shining with gratitude. "You don't have to do this every day, you know."

"I want to," Muichiro replied simply. "It's safer this way."

Nezuko looked at him, a mixture of curiosity and concern in her eyes. "Muichiro, is there something you're not telling me? You've seemed... different lately."

Muichiro hesitated, his mind racing. He couldn't tell her the full truth, not yet. "It's just... I want to make sure you're safe. There are some dangerous people out there."

Nezuko nodded, trusting his words. "I understand. Thank you, Muichiro."

As they reached her house, Muichiro's senses flared. He scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a shadow moving in the distance. His training kicked in, and he quickly assessed the threat.

"Nezuko, go inside," he said urgently. "Now."

Nezuko looked startled but obeyed, her trust in Muichiro unwavering. Once she was safely inside, Muichiro moved towards the shadow, his every sense on high alert.

The figure stepped into the light, revealing a tall, muscular man with a cruel smile. "Well, well, if it isn't Muichiro Tokito. Long time no see."

Muichiro's eyes hardened. "Akaza."

Akaza chuckled. "You didn't think you could escape the Muzan Company so easily, did you? We've been watching you."

Muichiro's heart pounded, but he kept his expression calm. "What do you want?"

Akaza's smile widened. "You know what we want. Hand over Nezuko, and maybe we'll let you live."

Muichiro's grip tightened on the hidden blade he carried. "I won't let you harm her."

Akaza's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Then let's see if you still have what it takes, former assassin."

As they squared off, Muichiro felt the familiar rush of adrenaline. His past had caught up with him, but he wouldn't let it consume him. He had a new purpose now, a reason to fight beyond survival. He would protect Nezuko, no matter the cost.

With a swift movement, Muichiro launched himself at Akaza, their battle beginning under the watchful gaze of the cherry blossoms. The shadows of his past were closing in, but Muichiro was determined to forge a new future, one where light and hope could thrive.

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