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Eventually they ran out of fireworks gwen throwing the last one, the mindflayer roared regaining its balance.Billy who was no longer flayed thanks to eleven,stood in front of the mindflayer eleven still on the floor backed away.The mind flayer stood infront of them letting out a loud roar before throwing its tongue at eleven,as she covered her face.But before the mind flayer Could grab her billy stuck out his arm grabbing the mind flayer"No!!" billy yelled while screaming in pain,when the mind flayer stabed billy in the side causing billy to lose his grip.Then another tentacle stabbed into billys right side,mike and max ran in maxed eyes widen as she watched in horror when billy was stabbed in the stomach two more times. As he screamed in pain,the mindflayer held billy up one last time...Before stabbing him in the chest."Billy!!" screamed max horrified,the mindflayer dropped billys limped body before turning to horrified eleven."Hey dickhead!" yelled gwen throwing her shoe at the mindflayer to distracted him from eleven.

The mindflayer turned and roared at gwen but before it could reach for her the mindflayer started collapsing running into things roaring in pain,and finally down with the mindflayer it was dead this time....For sure this time.Mike ran over to eleven frantically asking if she was okay meahwhile maxed walked over to billys bleeding body leaned over grabbing his shoulder"billy...?" max said in a shaken voice."s-sorry...."billy choked up,no longer moving or breathing.."Billy? billy wake up"max said shaking billy as she began"billy!" she said letting out a sob.Gwen ran down stairs rushing towards max as she neeled down to max wrapping her arms around her "its okay its okay shh" gwen said with a few tears falling down her face trying to comfort her bestfriend who was sobbing in her shoulder.

soon after everyone could hear police sirens outside as fire fighters,doctors and police ran into the flame lit starcourt.Max,gwen and will were sat in the back of one ambulance everyone else in seprate ones,gwen was wrapped in a blanket as will and max were wrapped in a shared blanket."did one of you see dustin?" gwen asked concered about a party member she hadnt seen in a while,"hes in a ambulance" max said in a low voice leaning on will. Will noded comfirming what max said "Is he okay..?" gwen question,"he looked fine" will responded shrugging."Mom!" gwen yelled getting up running tossing her blanket off when will looked up and he saw his mom bring his sister into the end.Will got up and started walking towards them,"is everyone okay?" joyce asked her daughter crying a little.Gwen just shook her head sobbing into her moms shoulder feeling guilty,she thought if she would have distracted the mindflayer earlier billy would still be alive...

Joyce hugged will and looked up at eleven who stood there looking around confused and looking for hopper,gwen walked over to eleven wiping her tears"w-wheres hopper?" eleven stutter beginning to tear up and hugged gwen before she could responded. Gwen held eleven in her arms running her hand through elevens hand,she motions max whose sitting alone to join in.Gwen wrapped her arm around max aswell,the "power trio" hugged just the three of them for the first time.


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