Do I like her?

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Cairo's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open only to be met with CC's neck...

I could see the hickies from last night plastered around...

Did I go too far?

She's so innocent so pure.... What have I done?

Did she want that?

Did I pressure her?

I was crying and vulnerable did she feel as if she had to?

Did I go too far?

She's holding onto me so tightly. As if I might disappear if she let's go...

I wonder what CC was thinking when we kissed... Did she like it?

Did I like it?

It didn't feel like how Mr.Miller felt...

It didn't feel like how it felt to hook up with Winnie...

It didn't feel like when I hooked up with strangers... Boy or Girl...

It felt different...

What's the word?

Lust? No... I felt it, but no, unfortunately.

Entrapting? Sure, but not what I was feeling...

Entranced? Sure, I felt like I was under a spell... But not what I was feeling...

Lascivious? Sure, I mean I could have taken her on the rails of the fire escape... That was not what I was feeling.

Passion...? I mean sure... Yeah, actually a lot of it... Whatever does that mean?

This is quite a little predicament...

Why would it feel different from Winnie? Both girls... both friends...

Do I want her as a friend...?

Whatever is this?

What are my feelings on CC Walker?


If I have to ask that question I already know the answer.

I shall not dare to think that consciously.

This can not be real.

I vowed to never do this again.

I will cut it short now.

I will not involve myself in this affair. No matter my desires.

What if I hurt her?

I can't get hurt again...

She will have to live... Is that okay to think?

Who am I kidding... I don't want to hurt CC.

I just don't want to get hurt again.

Am I truly over Mr.Miller?

Who am I kidding, last night's dream says everything...

If I continue this affair, will it drag CC down with me?

Who am I kidding!!

I am getting ahead of myself. I don't even know CC's opinion on this.

Maybe this was a one-time thing...

A one-time thing that left marks all over CC's neck...

Is it wrong to say I want to kiss them? Yes, she's asleep and this situation is unresolved, like many apparently.

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