[Prologue: The Beginning]

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The moon hung low in the sky, its light casting eerie shadows over the remains of a once peaceful village. Screams and havoc broke out as demons began to flood the streets.

In the center of the chaos lies the remnants of a family's home, the walls splintering and caving in by the second. Amidst the ruins were two small figures, barely visible in the darkness, they were twins with wide, terrified eyes and cheeks streaked with blood. A wooden beam had fallen, sheltering them from witnessing the murder of their friends with whom they spent their childhood.

''We must get to the temple,'' I whispered to Asphodel, clutching my pendant. The temple surrounded by the sacred wisteria was our only hope, as we could still hear the massacre taking place. I looked over to another pile of ruins, where my other siblings' heads slowly emerged. I slowly started making my way towards my 2 younger brothers, with Asphodel following suit.

I took in a deep breath, '' Okay, on the count of 3, we run out of that window,'' I point towards the said window, ''and don't stop, go towards the temple, okay?'' The other 3 nodded their heads, and looked towards the goal, eagerly awaiting the countdown.

''3...2...1..GO!'' I shouted as we dashed for the window, my heart hammering in my chest. My eyes darted as I searched for a way through the mass of rubble. We made it to the window and I helped my younger siblings out the window before weaving our way through the panicked crowds. We all ran huddled as close as we could be but both me and Asphodel realized our younger siblings were beginning to fall behind. I tried my best to reach for them but two demons appeared and snatched them before I could reach them, I turned around and began to run towards them when Asphodel grabbed my arm and said-

''Just go! We can't help them! They're too strong! Go!'' Asphodel shouted before pushing me toward the direction of the temple, weaving and bobbing in and out of crowds, some of which tried in a futile attempt to fight back. We eventually reached the temple stairs and made our way up as we did so many times before. We passed through the barrier of wisteria trees and we were finally safe. Finally able to take a breather both me and Asphodel fell to the ground. Our parents, who had heard of the chaos, ran toward us in a panic but neither of us was in any condition enough to answer any of their questions. I sobbed in their arms grasping desperately at their embrace for comfort.


The forest breathed an eerie silence until it was broken by the shrill of a crow who had been following a certain amber-haired demon slayer.

''CAW! HEAD NORTH! CAW! VILLAGE HAEVEN CAW!'' Kohaku's Kasugai Crow screamed at her.

''Right! I'm on it.'' She said was ducking and swerving while sprinting through the forest. She moved with a silent grace, despite the light gash spanning across her chest. She was determined to take on this mission. As she continued up north, the trees seemingly began to enclose in on her. The air seemed to thicken with a foul energy as she approached the forest's clearing, unsheathing her blade as she went.

As she passed through the bushes, a low guttural scream was heard. She dashed toward the small village and saw a demon attacking a poor old man. With one quick slice, the demon's head rolled and the body collapsed.


Several faint but very recognizable thuds were heard from somewhere beyond the walls as I and Asphodel were hidden inside a cupboard. Our parents had decided to guard the reminders of the town actively helping those who had sought sanctuary inside the temple. My heart stopped when the cabinet door flung open, but I was immediately relieved to see my mother's face. She called us to follow and assured us everything was over, we walked to the temple's gates where Asphodel and I met up with the savior of our town, a valiant hero who stood proud before us and introduced herself as Kohaku. Seeing her unwavering bravery and Sturdy nature was a feeling I couldn't quite describe, but as I glanced over to Asphodel he had a similar face. There at the entrance to the temple, we both locked hands and swore that one day we too would be like Kohaku and take revenge on the demons who did this. Kohaku smiled and offered to take us in as her apprentices and with that, we packed our things and left the desolate town waving our parents one final goodbye as we rode off on a carriage to places unknown. 

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