What Happened?

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Hello my name is Brian Reed. I am 9 years old and graduating from college, and I am studying to be a scientist. Which takes a lot! So I have no time what so ever to "play". Who would want to play when you have books? I certainly chose the one that will get you somewhere!

"x+(x+1)=50 who can solve that"? My math teacher, Mr. Moon said

Whoa Whoa Whoa wait this is easy! So why can't I remember the answer?

"Really? No one? Well, I'll have to give extra assignments so you pupils can learn before you graduate!"


Yay! Now I can go home and study I can't believe I forgot something I literally learned in, like, kindergarten! Phew! Shake it off, Brian! Just go home and study. Shake it off. Now, where is Mom's car? I tried looking for my moms bright blue vehicle, how could I miss it? It's not the best of colors I'm very particular with the color blue, I much rather prefer my dad's black car, so elegant. I heard two short honks, I glanced behind me and saw the bright blue.....automobile? I think it's a sad excuse for a vehicle. Luckily, unlike my old elementary, middle , and high school, I don't get picked on for it, people here have more things to worry about, like finals, which I have to study for.

Uggggggg college is so.....so......so.....uggg I can't think straight today! I need to go home! I turned around, and made my way to the front seat, where mom greeted me with a smile,

"How was college treating my big boy? Mom said with teence of sarcasm in her voice

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes " I just need to go home, I NEED to study! My mind isn't....Ugg, what's the word! Um....."


"Never mind." I said finally

"It's ok, honey, just go home, eat something, take a nap, then you can study."

"Ok, thanks mom."

"No problem."

We got to our driveway, and I got out, relived mom didn't worry too much about me. I hate when people worry about me. I am a man-boy in college and I can take care of myself. Pretty much.

I walked to the kitchen and got a banana from the bowl on the kitchen counter. Then lugged myself up the flight of 15 stairs but it seemed way more then that.

What's happening to me? Am I tired, am I hungry? Maybe when my brain isn't bright, so maybe when my brain isn't bright niter am I... maybe.

Mom said I have to take a five minute rest then I can get to studying get right back on track. I got this all under control.


I set my alarm clock to 5:30 laid down and closed my eyes


My alarm woke me up in a fright. Realizing I wasn't feeling any better than before I walked over to my desk and sat down. I woke up my computer and went to the site Mr. Moon showed the class today.

I typed in google and in then search bar I searched collage math I couldn't find ANYTHING! Not a single thing! I was losing my patience, I was at the 10 page of google. I was scrolling down but I accidentally clicked on something because it led me to a place where I couldn't get out, refresh the page, my new computer crashed, which is impossible because we got a thing at the store, I started to panic because if I didn't get out of here I wouldn't be able to study! Wait a minute, this could be a extra bonus! I can do this and I can do my other website! I m going to ace this test!

I printed the paper, relived it was the weekend so I could study it tomorrow.

Lets see if this nap will do any good.

Hello everybody!

My name is Sarina Siddique. Thank you so very much about reading this far! I'm really sorry if it's boring, I'm not really good at this.. but I had this idea for weeks, and now i'm putting it in action.

The details are sketchy put the min idea is pretty good, if I do say so myself

So hang in there, if you have some ideas what you want to have next or some suggestions, feell free to say so in the comments. And I will shout you out in this little box thingie.

(Why does this feel like youtube?)

Anyway thanks!

Catch ya in the next chapter!!!

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