Mother's day special

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Chuuya awoke to a cold bed, Dazai had gone and started to stay in the agency dorms after the ginger had gotten mad at him for not going to work regularly. The mafioso sighed and shook his head, slowly sitting up and looking around the room to see if the detective had somehow broken in again after Chuuya had changed all the locks for the fifth time that week. He spotted a pile on the floor that wasn't there the night before, Chuuya stood and slipped his feet into his slippers.

Slowly the ginger made his way over to the pile in the corner and slowly lifted the blanket off the small child, dog and cat. Chuuya had expected to find Dazai under the blanket, not his daughter and the animals. As the black blanket was pulled away Miyo sat up, rubbing her sapphire blue eyes, Yawning. As she looked up at Chuuya a wide grin spread across her face "Mama!" She yelled and stood, hugging Chuuya tightly. "Happy mama day!"

Chuuya smiled softly and hugged her back. "Where did you hear about this?" He asked with a small smile.


Chuuya nodded; Kunikida was teaching her more then he thought. Chuuya scooped her up into his arms, carrying her over to the bed and placing her down, throwing the blanket over her. "Why were you asleep on the floor?"

The child's head hit the pillow and her eyes drooped; she was still half awake and being on a soft bed with fluffy pillows made her fatigue take over once again, trying to grip at her with its black claws, trying to pull her back into its empty embrace full of dreams and fantasies. "Want to surprise mama..." The child mumbled, her voice weak and sluggish as she spoke.

Chuuya ran a hand through her hair, luring her into that embrace with the comfort of his warmth and love. "It was a lovely surprise." The mafioso admitted, laying down beside her and pulling her into a hug, the embrace of slumber seemed so much more warm now that it was her mama doing the embracing. "But it's still a little early so why don't we go back to sleep?" He suggested, his voice a quiet, gentle whisper as he closed his eyes, his free hand pulling a blanket over the two of them.

"Okay mama.." The child whispered back before succumbing to the warmth of sleep, being lured away by the dreams and fantasies which would entice children.

Chuuya however opened his eyes again, running his hand through the child's messy hair. His eyes were soft as he looked at his daughter, his heart swelling with love. "I love you." He mumbled and kissed her forehead and stood from the bed, tucking her in and walked over to the door of his room, pushing it open and stretching. He could never go back to sleep after waking up. Chuuya made his way to the kitchen, grabbing the dog food and cat food, filling the respective bowls with food and water. He then started on breakfast.

When Miyo awoke she was alone in her mama's bed. The scent of eggs, bacon and freshly made bread filled her nose. She stood, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and waddled out of Chuuyas bedroom. "Mama?" She asked with a yawn, she walked towards the kitchen, seeing Chuuya in the bright pink apron Dazai had gotten him and the black, bold words on the chest saying 'Kiss the chef.' Miyo yawned again and tugged on Chuuya's hand, looking up at him. "Mama?"

Chuuya placed down the chopsticks and leant down. "Yes darling?" He softly replied, rubbing her back. A small kiss was placed on his cheek and a giggle came from the child. Chuuya smiled softly. "Thank you, Miyo." He rubbed her head. The mafioso stood up again and rubbed her head, continuing to cook.

"Mama, what do we do on mama's day?"

Chuuya thought for a moment, trying to figure out an answer to that. "I have no idea." He admitted. "I've never been a mama before."

The brunette paused, confused by this since Ryuunosuke, Gin and Yumeno were also Chuuya's 'kids'. "What about Ryuu-ani? Gin-ane and 'Eno??" She asked, looking up at him with a small pout.

Mothers Day Special: Chuuya's Mothers day (2024)Where stories live. Discover now