''Pardon Me?''

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Lenora Levine

"The President will see you now," Fathers secretary said. This woman was new from the last, though there might have been more sense. Father loved a good game, and he saw his security as one of them. Who could he seduce the soonest? Who would fall first? Who was the best fuck? It was all part of his games, how he viewed women.

"Thank you," I nodded politely following her to the door to my fathers office. There were people in suits and dresses running all throughout the halls. They were probably trying to control whatever scandal my father was in this week. There were a lot of them. The women he got around with and the people he pissed off. It was a miracle he even became president. Even if he had paid most of his voters off. The things you can do when you're a billionaire.

"Lenora." My name off his lips made me sour. It made me want to run the other direction as quickly as possible, to fly back to London on the first flight I could. This man in front of me was one of the most attractive guys his age, with brown hair and a sharp jawline. His pretty face is what made me lay awake at night terrorized by the memories in my head.

"Mr. President," I say smacking on one of my biggest fake smiles. Being around many public figures you learned to be fake fairly easily. It is best to please everyone other than voice your opinions, that is what father had taught me. I would not test the theory, If I did I knew what would happen. What he would do to me, or my face, or maybe my hair this time.

"Thank you for coming," He gestured for me to sit in the left chair, the right being occupied by his second in command. Matthew Jack Lawrence, Vice President of the United States, my fathers best friend, and my boyfriend's father. If you wanted to know anything about him, just looked what he named his son, implying it is the same name as himself, if you get the picture Mr. Lawrence is very self centered, you can sense it.

"Hello Lorena," Matthew smiles at me and holds out his hand. I shake it and present him with one of my own smiles, fake of course. Just like my fathers. I hate the man as equally as much.

"Hello to you both. Why was this so urgent that I had to miss finals? The teachers did not seem pleased by the news when I told them I must return to the states."

"Oh well, do your teachers know I am the president of the United States? I'm sure they will understand won't they?" Father gives me an evil grin. It looked like one you saw in an animated Disney movie, the ones where the villain's smile goes above their eyes, yeah that one.

"Well of course they understand I must revise myself. I was quite disappointed when I learned I must leave on such short notice. Though the test scores mean a lot to me." They didn't, they truly did nothing for me. But it was the one thing that made my father very pleased. "Law schools will surely be looking at them I assume." My father bit his lip. Matthew looked away. I smiled shyly. Law school was very important. My father was a lawyer at one time in his life and my older brothers have been to. Seeing him fuse about it made me smile quickly before fixing myself.

I may not be able to stand up for myself from my father, But I sure could twist his worlds in an innocent way. Especially about school. And he certainly knew they were not innocent, but it seemed to be one of the only things he ignored.

"Well very well you will be back before the end of today. There were just a few things me and Mat would like to talk to you about. Something we are very excited about." I looked down and wrapped my hands around my skirt. I was shaking, I never knew what my father would say when worlds like that came out of his mouth, because frankly they never did. And that scared me, terribly.

"And what would that be?" My father snapped and I initially looked up to meet his eyes. "Well Matthew and I have decided it was time to join our two families, into one you see." I stared at my father for a long time to make sure he was not joking. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, but I knew If I did any of those things it would be beaten with a slap to the face or a trip to the hospital.

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