Chapter 3 =First day=

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          It's cold and wet, the only light coming from the street lamps above bathe Maggie in their orange hue. She passes sleeping houses, occasionally lit windows greet her with reasons just like hers, possibly housing something sinister rather than a simple night owl job. The dark street echoes her steps, the bright aura of the store approaches and she finds herself getting colder at its impending nature. She's walked the street before, many times in fact, however the store's recent creation has made her lose all familiarity she had previously gained with it.

          Looking ahead she sees one of the few back doors open and a large shrouded figure steps out to face her, her sweater feels icy under their hidden gaze. Fascinating what doors you miss in broad daylight

          She unwillingly leaves the comforting streetlights and steps into being coated in the cool low humming of the store's illuminated corporate sign above. She finds herself a mere few steps away from the burly head butcher of the store himself, the wet air drips in their silence.

          "A bit cold isn't it?" He chuckles, his voice warm and welcoming. She looks up from the ground and meets his cheery face, a stark difference from what she assumed to be a sour silhouette. His eyebrows briefly pull together before returning to his warm and relaxed composure

          "Come inside," he steps to the side to let her pass while keeping his arm on the door to hold it open "We have industrial heating." he finishes in a sing-song voice. As she passes him she thanks him, a quiet concern whispers at her as she passes close to his much larger stature.

          Stepping in she finds herself in the staffroom corridor, to her left is the door into the store's main area, or the "Store floor" as the label crudely written on the door states. The right is the breakroom where he gestures for her to go. Picking up her pace and entering, he seamlessly keeps up with her. Once in the warm breakroom, she eyes up the two large coffee machines hugging different corners of the room. On the wall with the door they entered, a line of counters and overhead cupboards are littered with mugs and plates.

          "Ah, don't mind the mess, nobody has time to clean and the cleaners we hire never show when we want them to." He sighs.

          "Trust me, working here isn't actually all that bad." He chuckles. She gives him a tight smile, curious of the cleaners.

          "Through here are the lockers, there's always more of them than there are of us so it gets a bit hard to keep track of the empty ones." He informs as he guides her around the bend to the right of the door they entered. She looks at all the labels on the lockers crowding the walls of the room as they pass, all having unrecognisable names and stickers on them. Each appears to house an employee's belongings, name, and personal choice in decoration/graffiti.

          "Cathy #1 vegan!" one read with stickers of leaves and small happy cartoon animals littering the area surrounding it. "Just Married!!" read another, this time not housing any other decorations. There's the occasional sports team sticker and plenty of decoration residue amongst the lockers to put a school desk to shame. Finally one catches her eye, it's a dusty looking door with the blatant, scratched up label of "Butchery Assistant ''. The lock's broken and the hanger inside appears a lot more beat up than the others.

          "She isn't in the best shape, I'll get you a new lock once you're all settled." He fiddles with the broken lock and easily snaps it off of it's supposedly secure fastening on the door. Now with the lock, he inspects it as she watches him begin walking away. He stops suddenly and turns to her. There's a moment of silence between the two before he clears his throat and sways slightly as he continues to fiddle with the lock, thinking of what to say.

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