Chapter 8 =Information=

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          Otto steps back into the break room where Carlton awaits them

          "She good?" He asks bluntly as Otto stretches his arms out. He yawns and nods, Carlton frowns.

          "You were right about the red face, otherwise she seems fine." He informs.

          "Late night?" Carlton asks, having never seen Otto so tired before.

          "There was a leak in the shack, all my dry wood was ruined." Otto grumbles, he opens one of the cupboards and picks a mug at random.

          "Wasn't warm enough." Otto eyes up the rain pelting the window through the darkness, knowing he's in for a similar sleep tonight.

          "Sorry to hear that, Bigfoot." Carlton mumbles into his mug of coffee, causing Otto to chuckle. He picks up one of the three cupcakes sitting on a plate in front of him and takes a hearty bite

          "Y'know-" He starts, his mouth full of its vanilla goodness. Maggie walks into the room, adjusting her hair. "-you need an actual house. Or better, a shed." Carlton emphasises the word with a barrage of small moist crumbs from his mouth leaping out to speckle to table. Otto sits next to him, he holds his coffee in the air while Carlton hastily sweeps the crumbs out of his way and onto the floor.

          "What's wrong with my cabin?" Otto asks, looking at one of the other cupcakes closely. Maggie joins them at the table.

          "You're living in the scene of a horror movie, dickhead." Carlton laughs, moving the plate with a singular cupcake left towards Maggie.

          "That's for you m'lovely." He tells her, giving her a quick smile, Maggie nods a thank you. Otto leans his chin on his hand with his elbow supporting it on the table.

          "There's nothing scary about the woods, It's just trees. The only scary thing that happens is your snoring." He playfully frowns at Carlton who gives him an offended look.

          "My wife says snoring makes me special!" He says in an over dramatic sad tone.

          "Are you married, Carlton?" Maggie asks, folding her cupcake wrapper neatly. Carlton nods with a big grin

          "Highschool sweethearts, she and I." He swoons, bringing up his hand with the missing finger and wiggling the nub.

          "I left my ring back home with her, can't tell you how many ladies try to get with my sweet ass." He says with a wink, making Maggie smile. Otto scoffs and rolls his eyes.

          "Got another half yourself?" Carlton asks as he sweeps more crumbs onto the floor next to him.

          "I have a few things here and there. A couple more involved than others but I had to leave it behind when I moved." She says with a shrug. Otto gives her a confused look and Carlton an exaggerated shocked expression.

          "Really?" Otto asks. She avoids eye contact in embarrassment while Carlton speaks up again.

          "I never would have pegged you as a heartbreaker, too shy." Carlton squints at her suspiciously.

          "We need to unload the meat." Otto announces, somewhat uncomfortable. He gets up and dumps his coffee into the sink. Maggie trashes her cupcake remains along with Otto's who has already started walking out of the staff area. She and Carlton once more practically jog to catch up to him.

          "Y'alright mate?" Carlton asks. Otto grunts in response, his sudden bad mood pollutes the trail he leaves in his wake.

          "Why is your wife not here with you?" Maggie asks, somewhat boldly. Carlton thinks for a moment, partially distracted by his concern for Otto's sudden bad mood.

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