{Chapter 5}

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When I got to the school the first thing I noticed were the clusters of students crowded in the parking lot. Various students were either walking on their own or standing by their vehicles talking and laughing with one another. The groups around me seemed to slowly go silent as I parked and turned the motorcycle off. Curious eyes followed my leg as I threw it over to stand straight and watched to see who the crazy person on a 'death mobile' was. Hushed whispers started up as a soft hum, worsening into a louder buzz when I pulled my helmet off and shoved it into my bag. Jaws seemed to drop when I let my hair down and shook it out, a group rushing over to me from a beat up old van that was several spaces away from me.

"Look at you, Arizona!"

A baby faced boy was the first to stop beside me with a toothy grin, his clear blue eyes practically sparkling with admiration and awe. It was like he lost himself in thought until he ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair and looked from me to the bike. He was giving me golden retriever vibes as he bounced on the balls of his feet around my bike. Next to come to a stop was a rather short girl with an almost disgusted look on her face. Her nose wrinkled and she tried to force a smile onto her face, but it looked almost deranged with her puffy brown curls bouncing on her head. Her pale face was completely tinted pink and the color clashed with her darker blue eyes.

"I never pegged you as this type of girl, Bella."

I bit back a laugh, debating if I wanted to play along and act like my sister or correct her and tell her who I was. I didn't have to decide though as a taller woman waddled over and tilted her head to examine me closer. She was very pretty. Her face was a bit darker than the others with long light brown hair that framed her face with honey colored streaks scattered through. Her eyes were a milk chocolate brown, that seemed to brighten ever so slightly when she gave me an awkward, gentle smile.

"Guys. That's not Bella..."

A wide grin spread across my face.

"I'm impressed. Usually only my dad can tell us a part," I offered my hand to her, "I'm Cristina, the younger twin. I just moved here from Florida. Not Arizona."

Everyone's jaws seemed to drop save for the girl that had outed me and took my hand to shake. Then suddenly I had a few more people crowding around me, lifting my arms and chunks of my hair and practically pawing at me. They obviously didn't believe the girl until my sisters' beat up red truck finally pulled in and she stepped out of it in a hurry. She had traded her pajamas for a gray hoodie, jeans, and black converse. Her hair was pushed away from her face by a black headband. She made her way over to us and gave me a hard glare in response to my smirk. The group looked at her, then at me, then back to her as if we had two heads and it was obvious they hadn't seen very many twins.

"Cristina! What were you thinking, taking off like that?! You could have gotten lost or hurt!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Isabella the town has like seven hundred people in it. It's not big enough to get lost in and I told you I was licensed. I know how to stay safe unlike some people."

I gave her a pointed look, the group watching us like a telenovela until the girl in glasses spoke up.

"I'm Angela Webber. It's really nice to meet you, Cristina."


"Do you mind if I took a look at your timetable?"


I dug said timetable out of my pocket and offered it to her with a nervous smile. Isabella and I had all of the same classes, something that Dad had insisted on. Angela seemed to notice this detail and her face brightened more indicating that we had several classes together ourselves. That would be good seeing as of meeting the group she was by far my favorite. She handed the timetable back to me, but the golden retriever boy had snatched it up and started reading it over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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