{Chapter 2}

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It had felt like hours of being crammed into a confined tube before the plane finally landed at Sea-Tac, a fairly major, if not the major airport, in Seattle. Seattle is a seaport city that is probably the most populated place in Washington and the Pacific Northwest. From above, the city sparkled like diamonds, but as I departed from the plane, the veil of beauty gave way to a rush of bodies and a layer of smog. I looked around at the sea of bodies trying to catch a glimpse of Charlie, but to no avail. My father wasn't here, so I looked at the signs wandering in the direction of baggage claim, hoping he'd be waiting there. Still no Charlie.

I tugged a suitcase from the conveyor, then another, and then four more after. '3:13pm'. I sighed and managed to find an abandoned cart to make lugging my luggage around easier. I gave the slowly crowding space another once over before giving up and following the black and white signs towards the exit. I wasn't sure what I'd do while I waited for my dad until I saw a McDonald's, and my lips went dry. I pulled my cart towards the counter, smiling at the lady who came up to greet me.

"Welcome in! What can I get started for you?"

"Just a large Dr. Pepper, please."

"Of course! Your total is $1.49."

I nodded and rummaged around in my backpack for my wallet when a decently sized tan hand grabbed my shoulder. I jolted as the person leaned forward to hand the lady money for my drink. I reeled around, and my fist connected firmly with a boy's jaw, causing him to stumble back and clutch his face.

He was no more than fifteen or sixteen standing at just about my height with dark brown eyes that were big with shock. He was actually very attractive despite his lack of respect for personal space. His skin was a pretty russet color, and his face was framed by thick black hair that would have been down to his mid back had it not been thrown up in a messy half up half down style. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place a name to his face, even less so now that he had a growing bruise blooming across his cheek. I shook my hand out when I finally felt the ache and took my cup from the shocked cashier. I felt my face heat up as I quickly passed the boy with my cart, wanting to just fill my cup and run for the exit. The boy seemed to recognize this and scrambled after me with a wide white toothy grin replacing his previously distraught appearance.

"You must be the infamous Cristina Swan. You have a killer right hook, Loca."

"Who the hell are you?!"

I reared around again with a hiss, my fist clenching tightly.

"My name is Jacob Black!"

"How the hell do you know me?!"

"Bella talked about you all week. Said she had an identical twin sister."

"Is that so... Where's my dad? Charlie Swan? Chief of police?"

Jacob chuckled a bit awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck a look that contemplated how to go about talking to me plastered to his face like a cheap mask. A look I had seen growing up whenever I was getting bad news.

"Charlie got held up at the station and asked my dad if I could come get you instead."

"Why didn't he just send my sister?"

"Ah... Well, she said she's studying with her boyfriend."

Jacob sounded as if the word 'boyfriend' stung, and I knew then that he disliked the boy as much as I did. That was when it actually started to sink in, and I realized my dad and sister were both 'too busy' to come get me. I knew how busy my dad was, not just being any old police officer, but the chief of police, but Isabella had no excuse to brush me off. Especially not for some guy that put her in a hospital. I took a long sip of my drink, needing the hit of caffeine as we walked out of the automatic door. Jacob followed me into the cool, humid, autumn air, like a puppy, keeping his eyes on the people around us as well as my numerous suitcases that were tipping side to side as we walked down the aisle of cars. I will definitely need a shower when I get to Charlie's place, sweating profusely despite the air being cool. I shook the thought away when Jacob caught my elbow and pointed towards a beat up, silver Chevy that looked like it was held together by superglue and wood putty. Jacob laughed as he loaded my suitcases into the bed and covered everything with a big blue canvas tarp to protect everything from the rain. I continued to stare until Jacob pushed me to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door, waiting for me to climb in and buckle up. I shook the shock away and settled into the surprisingly comfortable seat, buckling myself in when my door slammed shut and the driver's door creaked open.

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