{Chapter 3}

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"Are you ready to go yet?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice behind me and practically screamed out of pure shock. Reeling around I threw a hanger at the owner of the voice and Isabella narrowly dodged the plastic hook while laughing at me.

"Jesus Hell, Isabella!"

"That's a new one. Now seriously, are you ready? Dad and I are getting hungry."

I stared dumbly at her, momentarily forgetting that dad had made plans for us to go to the diner and have dinner together. I looked over at the digital alarm clock I had set up to see that several hours had gone by and light was no longer pouring into my room from the afternoon sun. I had been unpacking and cleaning my room for so long I didn't realize I was getting hungry until being interrupted. Isabella picked the hanger up and brought it back to me, giving me that awkward smile I had forgotten about when she got flustered. I took it from her with narrowed eyes and hung up my last outfit, turning back to see her dragging her fingers over the expensive pieces I had been contemplating donating.

"Those clothes are gaudy. Did dad save up for them?"

"No. Actually, Alice picked them out for you. She wants you to wear the dress to the party."

I stared at Isabella with a deadpan stare and snatched the clothes from my bed tossing them into a box beside my door. I had read about Alice and the others in that family through Isabella's daily emails to mom and I. We didn't have a perfect sisterly relationship like in those stupid Hallmark movies, but it was functional enough to keep us out of prison for murder. At this point I had no desire to keep the clothes despite how hurt my sister's feelings were going to be if I didn't accept the gift. She grabbed the outfits and hung them from the back of my desk chair and what she said had finally sunk in.

"What party? What are you talking about?"

"The Cullens are throwing us a birthday party."

"You. They are throwing You a birthday party."

"Alice knew you were coming and since you're my sister she insists on you coming as well. It'll be fun according to her."

I could feel my eyes blinking slowly like how lizards usually closed one eye then the other as I tried to process what she said to me. Isabella watched me and tensed, taking a step back towards the door when I balled my hand into a fist ready to swing. My mind was reeling. Not only was she still seeing the guy who put her in the hospital and put her in a boot for homecoming, but she wanted to integrate me into her delusions by taking me to meet them. She actually thought it would be a brilliant idea to put the two of us under the same roof together after I strictly told her it was on sight. She knew I had every intention of castrating him when I saw him, but she still expected me to put a smile on my face and go along with her fantasies.


I put my hand up after unclenching my fist to stop her from finishing her sentence.

"No, let me get this straight and correct me at any point if I'm wrong, Isabella. We just made plans to go see Jacob and Billy in La Push with Dad, but you want to flake and go over to some house in the middle of nowhere-"

"After we got back from the beach!"

I blinked slowly once again as she cut me off and shook my head to continue.

"A house in the middle of nowhere where the asshole who broke, not only your heart, but your fucking leg resides. All because you and his fairy princess sister are so delusional that you think that couldn't possibly end in poor taste? My sister, the fool, wants to put me in a room where I'm going to be the odd man out. My sister, the queen of delusions wants to put me in a room with the man I want to bleed like a pig and for what? What do you possibly get out of that?"

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