Chapter 4

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Victoria's POV

The last bell rang and it was time to go home. Kian and I were gonna walk to my house and Jc and Chelsea were going to Chelsea's house. Before they left I told Jc something. "Call me if she bothers you okay?" I whispered in his ear. "I'll be fine." he said and got in his car. Kian got on his penny board and started riding away. I sighed and just walked since I had originally came to school in a car so I didn't have anything to ride on. Kian was far up ahead and I noticed he stopped. When I caught up to him he smiled. "Wanna ride my penny board?" he asked getting off of it so I can go on. "Yeah sure." I said and started riding to my house. Kian was running next to me. "So are we almost to your house?" he asked while trying to keep up with me. "Yup like 2 mins away." I said and sped up just to bother him. "No wonder I hate you." he said under his breath still running. I just laughed and ignored him.

Finally we got to my house. "Come in." I said opening the door. We went upstairs to my room. He sat on my bed and I sat on the other end away from him. "Um don't we have to take stupid selfies or something?" he asked getting his phone out. "Uh yeah. Let's just act like we're having fun." I sighed. To make it seem like we were having a good time put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on my head and we smiled and fake laughed. "Looks real." we both said then I scooted away. "Kian why do you hate my brother...?" I asked randomly. "Pft I don't hate him I just think he's a complete dork and shouldn't even be on earth cause he's such a freaking loser." My eyes got watery. Kian noticed and he gulped. "I'm - sorta sorry." I got up and ran downstairs. "Victoria I'm playing!" he said following me. "Kian you don't know half the crap we've been through! And you treat my brother like garbage!" I started to cry which was embarrassing but I couldn't help it. "Ha you think you have it bad?! AT LEAST YOU HAVE PARENTS!!" he shouted at me. I looked down at the floor and I saw tears dripping on the floor. "Really..? At least we have parents?" I said getting upset. "Yeah you heard me! You don't know how it is to live with any one!" he said looking at me with a serious face. "Jc and I don't have parents either." I said looking at him with puffy eyes. "Wh-what?" he seemed confused. "Just leave Kian." I said walking to the door. "Nah! I wanna hear your lame story!!" when he said that I got so mad. "LEAVE!!! YOU DONT KNOW OUR LIFE! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT WEVE GONE THROUGH! LEAVE NOW AND DONT TALK TO ME! EVER! AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM JC!!!" I yelled in his face. He swung the door open and rode his penny board away.

After about 20 mins of calming down I called Jc to see what's up with him. "Hey Jc. How's everything?"

"It's okay... she's on her phone a lot and she always deletes the selfies and videos we take because she says we look horrible in them."

"Wow." I said sniffing.

"How's everything with the jerk?" he asked me.

"Um its- its...." I thought for a second, do I tell Jc what happened or just let him do his project without worrying about me. "It's going good." I lied.

"Okay Vicky. I'll be home in about 30 mins, okay? Call me if anything happens."

"Will do." I said and hung up. I really hope I can just photoshop pictures of me in Kian's selfies. But I can't. Tomorrow when he comes over where gonna make a video and that's it. Then he can leave.


Jc's POV

"um Chelsea its getting rather late I need to go home." I told Chelsea. Its 8:30! "Ugh fine one more selfie and LOOK GOOD." I smiled and so did she. "O-M-G! ITS PERF!" She jumped up and down. "Um well okay. Got to go now..." I was going to shake her hand but instead she hugged me. "Bye Jc! Oh and don't get comfortable just cause I hugged you." she winked. I felt my face getting hot. "Uh um uh okay." I said and walked out her house. I got in my car and drove home. Home was only 7 mins away.

I soon got home and I unlocked the front door and walked in. When I turned around Victoria yelled Boo! "AHHhhhaaa really?" I yelled then started to laugh. "Ha gotcha!" she said going to sit on the couch. "Want some dinner?" I asked her. "Oh yeah I'm starving." She said holding her stomach. I put some chicken nuggets in the oven and we waited about 10 mins. I served her and we both ate at the table. "How was it with Chelsea?" she asked me. "Fine." I replied. "Good to hear!" she said getting up and throwing away her paper plate. She came back to the table and took mine too. "I'm gonna go change into my pajamas." I told her and I walked up stairs.

Victoria's POV

Jc came back downstairs with his pajamas on. "You look cozy!" I said and he smiled. "I am." I got up from the couch and went upstairs to put my pajamas on. Just a tank top and some sweatpants. "Jc I'm gonna go to sleep!" I yelled so he could hear. "Okay me too! Goodnight!" he yelled back. Tomorrow is gonna be "great".

My alarm clock went off and I got ready for school. Like every other morning. Then i go downstairs and Jc is waiting and we leave. We got to school and Kian was already there. What a surprise. I sat down next to him and the bell rang. "Okay since it's Friday and I'm a cool teacher you guys can do what you'd like but keep your voices at a minimum." everyone got up to go sit with their friends. I was about to get up but Kian grabbed my arm. "Can I help you?" I asked and moved my arm away. "Sit down real quick." he said so I did. He was going through his backpack. I got a little nervous but I stayed calm. I was confused when he pulled a rose out. "Here." he said handing it to me. "I'm sorry about yesterday." I kind of smiled and a felt my face get hot. "Are you blushing?!" he laughed at me and I laughed. "Noooo!" he smiled and looked at me. "Thank you Kian." I smiled. "Your welcome. And by the way I got this on video." he laughed and I playfully pushed his shoulder. I turned around and saw Jc sitting by himself. "I'm gonna go sit with Jc okay?" I told Kian. "Oh um why- why don't you ask him to sit with us?" when Kian asked that u was shocked. "Really? You won't hurt him?" I asked. "I won't." he smiled. "Jc come here." Jc sat with us and we all talked. Kian and him didn't really talk but when Jc would talk to me Kian would laugh along with us. Also I forgot to say on Fridays we stay in 1st period the whole day. Which some people might think it's boring but I have a lot of good friends in my first period, and I think Kian is become one of them.. or maybe even more than a friend.


I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! Please add it to your library, vote, and share with your friends if you want to see what's gonna happen between Victoria and Kian? Do you guys think Kian's gonna be nice to Jc?! Idk man read to find out!

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