Chapter 20 - Truth

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With a deep breath I finally knock on the door to Nate's big house. I must have been standing outside here for the past ten minutes gaining courage for what I'm about to do.

I don't know why I'm being so nervous, the few relationships I've had before Nate and I's had been so easy to end.

It was when I got home earlier today i realised that I can't be with Nate. It's not fair to him, even though he didn't cheat I still went to Adnan. I fear it probably would have happened anyway in the near future. That's why I'm gonna be honest with Nate and break up.

After a minute Nate opens the door. The familiar scent of his home I've been in so many times before mixed Nate's cologne hits me and I breath them in. This will most likely be the last time I get to smell it.

"Destiny, hi!" Nates says surprised and moves away from the door so I can walk inside.

"Hi" I say with a fake smile.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Or yes. Or no, but I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure" he says and lays his hand on my cheek. "But let me just.." He doesn't finish but suddenly his lips touches mine.

When his tongue licks my lower lip asking for entrance I break away.

"I need to talk to you."

"Fine" he frowns and walks into the livingroom.

I place myself next to him in the couch, but leaves a little distance between us. Nate clearly notices it since he give me a weird look.

"Talk then" he says and makes a gesture for me to speak.

"Okay.. Uhm, the thing is that when I saw you and that girl I got very sad and-" I move my gaze from my thighs up to his eyes, but instantly move it back. He doesn't seem too thrilled over hearing what I'm about to say.

"And?" He asks unpatiently.

"Well I, uhm, went to ehm" can I stop stuttering?! "I went to Adnan."

I look up at Nate again and he definetely looks mad. I watch as his fists clenches and he takes a deep breath before answering.

"So? You went to Adnan. That's it, right?"

"Well I was uhm pretty sad and craved alcohol. And got a little too drunk and we like.. Had sex."

"That bastard took advantage of you?!"

"No! He clearly did not! I assure you that!"

He ignores me and continues. "I'm gonna kill him. When are that twat gonna realise that you're mine?"

"Nate, what I want to tell you is that I wanted him. I want him. I-I think it's unfair to be with you while I got feelings for someone else. I think we should break up."

"No" he says and stands up.

I follow his lead and stands up myself.


His eyes meet mine and I'm suddenly feeling scared. He looks livid.

Without me being able to react I feel a burning pain over my cheekbone. At first I don't know where it comes from, but then I realise. He punched me.

I move my hand up to where he hit me and looks at him shocked.

"I think I should go now."

"No! Destiny, I'm sorry!"

"I'm sure you are" I say while walking towards the door.

Not long after I feel strong arms grab my waist and hold me with a tight grip.

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