The Fire

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Emma Swan

The name that would change the Kingdom forever.

It all started with a girl, a young teenager living alone in a quaint town in the middle of the forest, her home, where she was raised and had become well known amongst her peers. She became a hunter for her town, catching anything she could in the forest, gathering crops for the farm and anything else she could help with.

The town in question is called RiverEnd, a small poor town based in the middle of the forest, it had plenty buildings, a farm, tavern, blacksmith even a small bookstore and more, all to which Emma called her home.

As Emma strolled into the town of Riverend, a sense of purpose filled her every step. Today was a day of tasks and responsibilities, leaving little room for her usual hunting endeavors. The vibrant chatter of the townsfolk greeted her ears, their faces lighting up with recognition as she passed by. They knew her as the skilled huntress, the one who could track a deer's trail with her eyes closed. But today, Emma's destination was the blacksmith. There, amidst the rhythmic clang of hammers on anvils, she sought to fulfill a different purpose. She had commissioned a dark green cape to be crafted, one that would seamlessly blend with the forest's foliage, granting her an advantage in her pursuit of elusive prey.

As she entered the blacksmith's workshop, the aroma of burning coal and molten metal enveloped her senses. The smithy, a burly man with calloused hands and a kind smile, greeted her warmly. He had heard tales of Emma's remarkable skills and was honored to be a part of her latest endeavor. Together, they carefully selected the finest materials for her cape. The deep green fabric, dyed with natural pigments extracted from the forest's leaves, reflected the hues of the woodland with stunning accuracy. The blacksmith meticulously shaped the clasps and fastenings, ensuring they would withstand the rigors of Emma's swift movements. As the cape took form, her excitement grew. She could envision herself donning the garment, becoming one with the forest. With each stitch and fold, the cape became a symbol of her unwavering determination and connection to nature.

As the final touches were added, the blonde marveled at the masterpiece before her. The cape, now complete, flowed elegantly as she held it up to the sunlight streaming through the workshop's window. It was a work of art, a testament to her ingenuity and the blacksmith's skilled craftsmanship. With the cape draped over her arm, Emma thanked the blacksmith for his exceptional work. She knew that this cape would not only aid her in her hunting endeavors but also serve as a reminder of the harmony between herself and the forest. It was a tool, a symbol, and a part of her very essence.

Leaving the blacksmith's workshop with a newfound confidence, Ebony set off to tackle the tasks that awaited her. The dark green cape billowed behind her as she walked, a silent proclamation of her unwavering connection to the environment she called home. While hunting might have to wait for another day, she knew that with her new cape and unyielding determination, she would continue to thrive in her role as the forest's guardian. And so, with her heart filled with purpose, Emma Swan ventured forth, ready to leave her mark on the world.

Venturing deep into the heart of the forest, Emma relied on her instincts and the rustling melodies of the woods to guide her path. Her weapon of choice, a finely crafted wooden bow and a quiver filled with arrows, rested comfortably on her back. The dappled sunlight danced through the canopy, casting enchanting patterns on the forest floor as she moved silently, one with her surroundings. As she moved through a thicket of ancient trees, her keen eyes caught a flicker of movement among the foliage. With a breath held in anticipation, Emma spotted a magnificent deer, its coat shimmering like moonlight amongst the shadows. The deer grazed peacefully, unaware of the presence of the watchful huntress.

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