The Enchanted Oak

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Emma ventured through the dense forest, her blonde hair tousled by the wind as she made her way towards the tavern known as The Enchanted Oak. As she approached, the sounds of lively music and laughter filled the air, beckoning her closer. The tavern emerged from the trees, a warm glow emanating from its windows and the aroma of hearty food wafting through the air.

The tavern stood sturdy and inviting, built with rough-hewn timber and adorned with ivy crawling up its walls. The door, worn from countless travelers' hands, creaked open as Emma pushed it aside. Inside, the atmosphere was cozy and bustling. The walls were adorned with pictures, some of the finest items made by Ironwood Forge and the occasional Stag's head.

The main room boasted a large stone fireplace, crackling with warmth and casting dancing shadows across the room. Wooden tables and benches were scattered throughout, filled with patrons regaling each other with tales of their exploits. A band of minstrels played lively tunes in one corner, their melodies mingling with the hum of conversation.

As Emma made her way to the bar, the tavern keeper, a lean man with a friendly smile, greeted her warmly. "Welcome, Emma, What brings you to our humble establishment?" He teased with a wink, he knew very well that she'd always come here most nights, more than happy to spend her Tokens for something to warm her stomach, she'd even worked there a few times to earn some Tokens too, so she was a very respectable and loyal customer and was always welcome there. "Food, as always." She chuckled, she may have been young, almost eighteen, but she pulled her weight for the town, with no parents to guide her she had to find her own way quickly, Killian would allow her to help out on the farm a bit when she was younger.

Emma looked at the roughly made menu that hung on the wall, written in chalk, though she'd been there a lot she didn't need to look at the menu, her stomach growled a little as she decided what she could have, one hand working to loosen the second pouch filled with her Tokens as she gave a smile to the man. "Could I have...Rustic Vegetable Stew, Crusty Hearth Bread, and two Savoury Meat Pies." She asked and handed over the agreed upon Tokens. "Don't suppose you could give me a discount and I'll hand out some drinks for you?" She asked with a charming smile hoping he'd accept. He did. "Go on." He said with a chuckle, he handed her back a few of the River Tokens and began to get her food ready.

Emma stood and grabbed a wooden platter filled with ale in the tankards, she balanced it carefully and made her way around the tables , teenagers old enough to drink and men who really should be home with their wives all reaching out to grab a drink from her at the earliest opportunity. The tankards were made of sturdy, polished wood, embellished with intricate carvings. Balancing the tray expertly, she weaved her way through the bustling crowd, deftly avoiding collisions and offering friendly smiles along the way.

With each tankard she delivered, Emma caught snippets of conversations, snippets of stories and glimpses into the lives of the patrons. She overheard the townspeople swapping stories of their encounters during the day, while others shared laughter about their work trying to forget about the hard days work they'd just done. The room was alive with the spirit of the tavern, she paused by the musicians and took three tankards of frothy ale off the tray for them and placed them on a small round wooden table beside them.

As she moved through the crowd, Emma's agility and grace caught the attention of some of the patrons she knew. They marveled at the young huntress, impressed by her skill with a bow and arrow and her willingness to lend a hand. Some even raised their tankards in salute, expressing their gratitude for her assistance, recognizing her help with putting out the fire on the farm earlier that day.

Time seemed to pass quickly as Emma continued to serve ale, her own anticipation for her food growing. Finally, as the tray grew lighter and the demands for ale lessened, she made her way back to the bar. With a sense of accomplishment, she returned the empty tray to the tavern keeper, who rewarded her with a nod of appreciation. Now, with her duty fulfilled, Emma eagerly awaited her own meal, ready to refuel and immerse herself further in the vibrant atmosphere of the tavern.

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