The Friction

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Caroline and Hope rush back to Josie's room to see Lizzie sitting by them, rubbing Josie's back

"Josie, baby," Caroline says as she walks over to her daughters

"Mommy," Josie says, "I-I don't feel so well,"

Caroline sits down and places a hand on Josie's cheek

"Oh goodness," Caroline says, "Baby, you have a whole fever,"

"I know," Josie says, weakly.

"It's getting worse," Hope says, "I can feel it,"

"We should take you to the hospital," Caroline says, "Hope, how long has she been like this?"

"N-not long," Hope says, "I only noticed when I woke up,"

"I-I don't feel so..." Josie starts to drift off and Hope can feel Josie's breathing weaken

"Josie!" Hope says as she places a hand on the brunette's shoulder, "Jo, stay with me"

"What!?" Josie says as she opens her eyes,

"What's happening? What did I miss?"

"You were drifting off," Hope says, "Something's wrong. But don't worry, we're going to get you to a hospital,"

"Let me go make the phone call," Caroline says, "Stay here with her, Hope, okay?"

"Yeah, of course," Hope says

Caroline gets up and rushes out of the room. Lizzie leaves as well to do something. Leaving Hope and Josie by themselves in the room. It's silent.

"What's wrong with me?" Josie says

"I don't know," Hope replies, "But we're going to get you to the hospital so we can figure this out, okay?"

"I-I don't feel good," Josie says as she drifts off again

"Hey," Hope says as she grabs Josie's shoulder again, "Stay awake. Can you do that?"

"I don't know if I can," Josie says,

"Yes, you can," Hope says, "Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

"My mom said you should stay here with me," Josie says

"Yeah, of course," Hope says, "Okay. I'm here,"

Hope grabs Josie's hand and suddenly, Josie's body temperature starts to go down

"What in the world," Hope says, "Your body is cooling down,"

"What?" Josie says, "Holy shit, yeah, you're right?" She says, "What in the world is happening?"

"I don't know," Hope says, "Do you still feel sick?"

"Yeah, I do," Josie says, smiling weakly, "But I don't know why my temperature started to go down as soon as you touched me,"

"Maybe something's just messing with our connection," Hope says, "It could be friction because you're getting sick,"

"I don't know," Josie says, "We've never had any problems with our connection before, Hope,"

"This could be the only time?" Hope says

Josie sighs as she leans back in her bed and nods,

"Yeah, maybe," Josie says, "I don't know. I just feel like there's something wrong,"

"I know," Hope says, "You've been feeling off for a while now, haven't you?"

"I have," Josie says, "Yeah,"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hope asks, "Josie. You know it's important to keep our connection intact and it's important you tell me things like this. We were never told what could happen if it breaks or weakens,"

"I didn't want to worry you," Josie says, "You've been so happy with Landon and life has been so good for you, I couldn't ruin that," She says, "If I said something, it could ruin our friendship,"

"Jo," Hope says, "There is nothing on this planet that you could ever say or do that could ever ruin anything between us, okay?" She says gently, "You're my best friend and I would never allow my feelings for Landon get in the way of what's truly important,"

"Yeah, but what if you're wrong?" Josie asks, "I can tell there's something wrong, Hope. I-I can feel it inside of me. But I just don't know what's wrong," She says

"Hey," Hope says as she can feel Josie's heart start to race faster, "Josie, calm down. You're starting to have palpitations,"

"I don't know what to do." Josie says softly

A few minutes pass and Caroline returns

"I had to contact somebody. But an ambulance is on its way now. We can't take Josie to just any hospital. We need to take her to a Supernatural one." Caroline says

"Okay, good," Hope says as she places a hand on the back of Josie's neck, "We're going to figure out what's wrong, okay?"

Josie sighs and nods, "Right, okay," She says

A few minutes pass and the ambulance arrives, rushing Josie to the hospital. As the paramedics move Josie to the stretcher, Hope's hand pulls apart from Josie's and suddenly, Josie's entire body is burning up again, her eyes drifting

"No, no, no," Hope says, "Josie, you're burning up again," She says, "Stay awake. Just keep your eyes open for me."

"Ma'am," The paramedic says, "We need to rush her to the hospital,"

"Wait, please," Hope says as she grabs Josie's hand, "I need to come with you. Something's wrong,"

"You can come with us, but we need to hurry." Said the paramedic

The paramedics rush Hope and Josie to the ambulance and to the hospital. Hope's still holding Josie's hand, scared and anxious to let go

As soon as they rush Josie into a hospital room, Josie's barely able to keep her eyes open. They're drifting.

"Josie, Josie," Hope says as she grabs Josie's hand, squeezing it gently, "I need you to stay awake with me, okay? Can you do that?"

Josie opens her mouth, but no words are able to come out. It's like whatever is happening to her is causing her body to be affected physically

"What's wrong?" Hope asks, "Can you speak?"

Josie shakes her head, trying her hardest to speak. But she can't.

"Josie," Hope says, panic in her voice rising even more. She's never panicked like this before. She worries about Josie quite often, but she's never been this panicky. "What's the matter?"

"It's like I'm not able to talk, Hope." Josie says, telepathically

"What? Why?" Hope replies, telepathically

"I don't know," Josie says, "But I'm not feeling so well,"

Hope watches as Josie's eyes slowly start to drift

Hope squeaks, blushing after realizing the sound she'd just made. She shakes off the sudden embarrassment before speaking, "Josie! No. Keep your eyes open. Please? Stay awake with me. You cannot close your eyes until we know what's happening to you,"

Josie's eyes flutter open again, just barely staying awake

"Okay. Good." Hope says, grabbing Josie's hand, "You're okay. We'll figure it out,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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