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At this year's Gala Dinner for my parents' foundation, which they were hosting for the second time in Ren's name, my nerves were barely under control. I was eagerly awaiting someone.

"Who's your date for tonight?" my longtime friend Ellie asked, while grabbing her second glass of champagne from a passing tray. I signaled to the waiter that I didn't want one and continued our conversation.

"You've never dolled up like this for such an event, so who's the lucky guy?"
I rolled my eyes as she grinned widely.
"Do I know him?"

She thought she knew me well, but I had gone the extra mile, visiting Ginza and wearing a striking long dress with gold embellishments. My hair was tightly pulled back, and I wore jewelry and very dark makeup, something I never usually did. I felt good, even took a few selfies while Ellie bombarded me with questions. "Do I need a date?" I retorted.
"Oh, so you're here to see who fits the bill," she teased.
"...No, I don't need a bill."
"So who is it?"

This event was exclusively for influential people, a ticket costing around $2,500. There was a gala dinner and a presentation of a new hypercar. As we stood at the bar in our elegant evening attire, we continued chatting. "There's no one, and even if there were, I wouldn't tell you because you'd spill it to your husband, and everyone here knows he can't keep a secret," I explained."Nonsense... Hey, what do you think about hitting the town tonight? I asked Toshi to organize us a few tables at la.vie." I didn't hesitate and agreed.

Since our school days in Europe, Ellie was known for not accepting no for an answer.As we made our way to our respective tables, I crossed paths with Hiro, dressed in a fine suit. We probably stood facing each other for too long, sizing each other up intensely.

"Nice to see you here!" I finally said. "Your date is already here," a shy smile flashed across his face, and he lowered his gaze. "We can also say that you're my date, but I know who got you the invitation!" I cautiously took his hand and continued, "I think I owe you an explanation, so I would like you to accompany me because I believe there's a massive misunderstanding between us that I'd like to clear up."

Together, we went to the lounge area where Matsumoto was sitting with a group of people who Hiro probably knew. When Matsumoto saw us, he stood up and approached us with a cheerful look on his face."Allow me to introduce," I said, looking deeply into Hiro's eyes. "Hiro, my uncle Matsumoto," I said with a smile and let the two behind.

A little while later I found Hiro standing outside on one of the terraces, his gaze fixed on the Tokyo Skyline. Cautiously I told him from behind as I walked towards him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you from the beginning that I'm Matsumoto's niece, but things between us started off so complicated, and I didn't want you to lose your job because of me,... but now you know where I fit into this whole situation." Reflectively, I left him on the terrace and returned to the event.

As the gala dinner approached, Hiro joined Dai at our table group. As they sat down, I felt a noticeable tension in the air. As their table conversation became increasingly business-oriented during dinner, I quickly swapped seats with my brother and admonished both of them, "Gentlemen, tonight we're not here to talk business," I announced calmly but firmly, as I sat between them. "Oh, and what are we supposed to talk about then?" Dai asked, glancing over at Hiro. "For example, we could talk about going to la.vie after dinner and the presentation. Ellie and Toshi have already organized everything," I suggested.Dai replied, "Always these parties! Every time you and Ellie... it always ends disastrously. Count me out tonight. Shall I remind you what happened at your birthday party back then? He leaned forward and spoke to Hiro, "Hey, do you know the story?" I pinched Dai's thigh firmly despite his brief "Ow!", he stubbornly ignored me, even though I gave him a stern look. "No, you're not going to tell that story now. Besides, Hiro, it was just..." But Dai cut me off. "So, ...." "Hiro probably doesn't want to hear this story!" I interjected angrily."Oh, but that's a typical Mizumi thing, and he'll find it hilarious," Dai retorted with a broad grin. "It was a few years ago, and she was determined to outshine Ellie's birthday party, she thought." "I did..." he shook his head, "Let's forget it, sis. So, the party was held at a club, hundreds of people were invited..." I waved my hands to emphasize that he was exaggerating. "It was about 50..." I corrected him. "And you wore a similar dress, just shorter and sexier. The dress was borrowed and damn expensive. I don't remember exactly, but then there were a few of us, myself included, who got a little carried away. Long story short: Mizumi got into a car with a guy who was doing donuts with his dad's sports car...""...and we all had so much fun after a lot of alcohol that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone," I added."Because she threw up all over the car, and her dress... It was terrible, but also kind of funny. How much did the dress actually cost? It was so expensive that Dad blocked your credit card how long for six months or longer and you had to work for that cleaning company every weekend that was funny. I even still have the photos and the video somewhere!" Dai recounted gleefully.He reached for his smartphone, but I took it from his hand. Hiro laughed heartily, while I just held my hands in front of my face."Sorry," said Hiro."Since then, I don't take her with me if she's had so much as a sip of alcohol. Just a heads-up for you!" Dai added."Thanks, I'll remember that," Hiro replied cool."So, guys, you've had your fun. I'm going to the bar, but don't expect me to bring you anything!"A little later, Hiro came to me. I asked him, "Would you like something too?"He shook his head slightly and answered me with a "No, thanks. Dai invited me to join him for a visit to his workshop."Understandingly, I smiled at him. "Fine, but it's a shame you're not coming to la.vie!""Just send us photos, but not ones where you're throwing up.""Haha, that won't happen to me anymore, and hey!" I reached for his hand."Dai will probably ask you if you want to drive the black car, say yes if you feel like it," I whispered something into his ear and wished him a nice evening as Ellie came happily towards me and practically took Hiro in tow. She quickly introduced herself and looked at both of us very questioningly."No, Hiro won't be coming, he has something else to do tonight!""Oh, too bad...... you would fit well into our group." She sang cheerfully and pulled me towards her."An acquaintance?" Ellie whispered to me with a certain undertone, after Hiro had politely bid us farewell."Mmm.""Sure, ....come on, spill it.""It's too complicated....""Why are you like this?""I'm not."She took my hand, and we went to la.vie, partying until the early hours of the morning.

Mizumi's Dream a Lifestory - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now