Welcome to Famicom County!

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You jolt awake to the sound of brakes screeching. You've been sleeping in the moving van for what seems like a week straight. 

You read about this place in a brochure. Famicom County, a county full of rich history and culture. You have no idea what to expect. But city life has been too much for you. What you need is some peace and quiet. 

Unfortunately this place isn't so quiet. 

It's bustling and packed with all sorts of creatures, human or otherwise... You, a Mii, feel like an outlier, a new face among total strangers. You try your best to ignore the feeling and get to unpacking your things. 

You must have spent at least 4 hours hauling all those boxes, because you're asleep by 3pm. You feel absolutely wasted by the time you come to. You can barely move your body. It feels like you have a dead battery- just barely hanging on.

All of a sudden... someone knocks.
"Hello??" Sounds like a man's voice. 

You try and pick yourself back up, but you stumble a bit as you're making your way to the door. Who the heck could have... 

"...Are you okay?"
He just stares at you as you stand in the doorway, barely upright. 

"No..." you mumble.
The man sighs. "I... see. Well, I was just coming to welcome you to the neighborhood..."

You rub your eyes so you can get a better look at him. He's average height, with a 5-o'clock shadow, and brown hair and eyes that almost look black. He has a distinctly worried look on his face... so distinct, a face like that could only belong to... 

"A Mii?" 
The man answers to your realization with an affirmative nod. 
You're completely dumbfounded. "I thought there weren't any other Miis in Famicom County..." The man laughs, a gentle and warm laugh. "Think again! I'm TJ Cencula. But most people just call me Hero TJ."

He then extends his hand to you. "Want me to show you around?" he asks, smiling.  

You have no idea what to expect. But you take his hand anyway. 

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