[05] - [Noir Illustrious]

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In the testing sector four A.I. controlled Dreadnoughts moved in against another common type Dreadnought. Each set to the difficulty setting nine, facing off against Noir. Each Dreadnought moved at fast speeds while making quick second decisions faster than it would take for a human, but still, Noir out maneuvered each.

The tactic she used for this was a hit and run. Taking shots at the Dreadnoughts before retreating to a good distance before doing the same thing again. With each time, her attacks never missed and were precise, only ever met with the Dreadnoughts blocking the attack, or Noir landing a perfectly timed hit.

With another well timed strike, Noir came in and struck fatal hits to two of the Dreadnoughts.

Taking one of the fallen Dreadnoughts as a shield, Noir's Dreadnought charged towards another at full speed before shoving the Dreadnought's rifle into the chest of her target, firing an entire clip into it.

Then came the last A.I. controlled Dreadnought. Coming in at high speeds from behind, Noir grabbed the leg of the third fallen Dreadnought. Just as the last was in range, her own Dreadnought swung both hands, still holding the fallen A.I. and slamming them into the last target from both sides. 

A force and an impact so great, it destroyed the last Dreadnought, ending the test with Noir as the last one standing.

"As you can see, Noir has been perfecting her skill as a Dreadnought pilot. Normally one could just label this as the Dreadnought and pilot. But give Noir any type of Dreadnought, and she'll master it, given enough time." Carla explained.

"But it's more than just skill, right?" Erin asked. Carla looked at her with a slightly confused look, "Excuse me?"

"I'm talking about Noir. But do you know anything else about her?"

"No, not really. She has no parents, she's an orphan that was raised here in the central colony. Although she never started showing up until she was around sixteen, but all records point to this being her place of birth."

Erin put her hands together and rested her head on them with an amused look on her face.

"My sister Kate and I are very much aware of what Noir is. As was Kate's twin. We've seen it before, both successful and failure. Noir is what we would call an augmented human. Designed specifically to pilot Dreadnoughts."

"Augmented humans surpass even the best pilots who go only on skill, Noir is an example of that."

"Why tell me this? I'm aware of what they are." Carla asked. Erin's amused expression never changed, instead only growing, "So that you know you can't hide anything about her from me. Recently, Lady Proxima of APEX revealed her new Dreadnought to us all. She called it a Psion-Type Dreadnought. that requires a pilot with extended training with it. Do you think an augmented human could do the same?"

Carla was quiet, uncertain of how to answer or even if there was an answer, "If not Noir, maybe another. After all, she isn't the only augmented human in the central colony."

* * * * * *

Leaving her dorm, Noir stopped after coming down the steps of the building upon seeing Azuma standing by the stairs. She took notice of him but continued walking until Azuma noticed her, quickly running to her side.

"How long have you been waiting?" Noir asked, "I... I don't know, I just stood and waited. I don't exactly have a watch." Azuma said.

"Your notebook does."

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Yeah. Actually, I had wanted to try and continue our conversation from the other day. Also to apologize for it being cut short. And... to give you this."

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