Chapter 5

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The talk with Professor Snape went as smoothly as Harry expected. After all, no one died. And 'what's in Slytherin stays in Slytherin'.

The Professor's attitude towards Harry had changed, he was more cautious. But Harry didn't care, and to be honest, he wasn't sure he was interested in Snape anymore.

Oh, the Professor for sure knew what happened, knew what the other Slytherins would do to Harry once he returned to the dormitory. But he did nothing, nor did he intend to help Harry. Sure, he came to check, probably to prevent things from going any further. But it was clear that he also wanted the other Slytherins to change Harry's behavior more or less, to be more compatible with his damn house.

Harry did not value such people, nor was he interested in them. He should have come out to help Harry from the beginning, or he should have completely ignored everything. But that half-lean, half-fat attitude of his made Harry feel very meh. And that was a 'no' in his book.

But anyway, Harry got what he wanted. The other Slytherins stayed away and didn't bother him, and he had the bedroom to himself. So Harry was still relatively satisfied, and in a very good mood in the following days.

His new room had been decorated by his house elves, with the main colors based on Harry's requests. In less than a day, the bedroom, which at first looked quite simple and unkempt, had become quite a luxurious room, suitable for an brilliant and important person like Harry. It looked completely different from the rest of Slytherin, and Harry liked that.

Inside the room was even installed a large wardrobe, so Harry could store a few things he liked inside. It wasn't so important, since he always had to wear that painfully ugly school robe outside.

The bathroom had also been expanded, and included a luxurious bathtub so Harry could take a relaxing soak whenever he wanted. He also ordered some new shower gel, the scent was quite fragrant and cool.

But more importantly, his bedroom was bright, not gloomy like other rooms in the Slytherin dormitory. Harry had never liked darkness or gloom, on the contrary, he liked sunshine and light, and felt that an existence as special as his own needed to stand in the light so that all others can admire.

So yeah, Harry was very satisfied with life at Hogwarts. It wasn't so bad, his quality of life wasn't much worse than when he was at the Peverell mansion. Although Harry wished the classes were more challenging to suit his level, at least it was something.

Astronomy was about observing the night sky and stars, which was quite interesting, but not something too grand. In this regard, Harry felt that normal people had progressed further than the wizarding world. Plus the class took place at night, so Harry wasn't very interested. He treasured his sleep, since it was one of the key points to keeping his appearance youthful and radiant. Maybe he was still too young to worry about it, but well, it was never too early to prepare.

Herbology was about playing with dirt and plants, and Harry didn't have much interest in the subject. He liked his clothes clean, thank you very much. But Harry was patient enough anyway. Professor Sprout was nice, though. So Harry had no problems with this subject at all.

History of Magic was boring the hell out of him. The professor turned out to be a ghost, and apparently couldn't stop talking about the goblins wars. And most of the knowledge of this subject Harry had read before, so during class, he simply did his own work instead of listening to lectures.

Flying class was stupid. Harry held the old broom in his hand and bared his teeth in disgust.

"Wow..." Harry said, not caring if anyone heard or not. "This thing is fucking hideous."

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