Chapter 1

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Harry Peverell, 6 years old, was sitting under the almond tree, having a tea party with his friend Mr Rabbit. Of course, tea party was just a fancy way of saying. He simply propped up an old dilapidated wooden table, placed two chipped cups on the table, and sat across from an old stuffed rabbit. Well, he was in an orphanage. So, yeah, couldn't ask for too much.

But, in his mind, it was indeed a tea party. And Mr Rabbit was not just a stuffed animal, but actually a friend who could listen to Harry's confidants. Harry appreciated that, since no one in this goddamn orphanage was wise enough to talk to him.

"Oh, Mr. Rabbit. If only the rest of the people here are half as competent as us. "

Harry said to Mr Rabbit, and sighed as he looked towards the playground in the distance. A group of children, both boys and girls, were racing to chase a ball.

It was silly. Fucking stupid. The nuns asked what they wanted, and all they asked for was that stupid ball? Geez. If Harry could say something, he would ask for a bookcase full of books. Knowledge is the key to freeing one from suffering - Harry had heard someone say so, or he simply made it up himself.

But well, they wanted a ball, and they were given a ball. Harry really didn't feel so bad about it. Although it was a stupid thing, he couldn't deny that the children looked happy. Overall, Harry was a very reasonable boy.

On the opposite side, it seemed that Mr. Rabbit also agreed with Harry's opinion. Mr Rabbit's ears swayed slightly, perhaps because a gust of wind blew, but Harry believed that Mr Rabbit was actually wiser than any stupid kid in the playground.

Harry lifted the teacup and lightly touched the one in front of Mr Rabbit with it. He was very careful, trying to touch it lightly, afraid that the tea cup would break. Originally, he had an old plate to make a tea party. It was used to hold the cake - if he had any. But last month, it was smashed by an idiot named John. So Harry had to be extra careful with the remaining items. The tea party was one of the reasons Harry was able to keep himself relaxed and calm. If he couldn't hold the tea party anymore, then maybe something terrible would happen. Harry wouldn't say anything in advance, but yeah, better keep it like always.

But, of course, some people were very stupid.

Just as Harry was about to end his little tea party by shaking hands with Mr Rabbit, the damn ball flying towards where he was sitting. Of course, Harry could feel it coming towards him - he wasn't stupid, but he was outside right under the sun. So Harry could do nothing but watch the horrible ball hit his poor tea table. Harry's two small teacups fell to the ground, and broke. They were already fragile and chipped, and the fact that the ball hit them sealed their fate.

Harry looked up blankly at a group of children running towards him. It was a group of five. John, Nathan, Vivian, Darien and Mary. It could be said that they were the little bosses of this orphanage, and often made the other children scared. John was the tallest and bigest kid. Nathan had always followed after John and did whatever the taller one did. Vivian had a filthy mouth, and was a nightmare for the rest of the girls. Darien was less talkative, but not much nicer either. Mary went from being bullied by Vivian, to becoming a little maid who followed Vivian and bullied the others. In short, they were a bunch of bullies, yes.

At first, they didn't pay much attention to Harry. Because Harry was only six years old, while those bastards were eight or older with John being the oldest, eleven. But for some reason, John became interested in Harry. The big kid started to find reasons to mess with him. Of course the rest of John's group also joined in to make Harry's life worse. But actually it wasn't that bad.

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