Chapter 4 Mystical Pets Of Mystery

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Freya was greatly satisfied with her new spell and how it would undoubtedly prove to be of great assistance to her. After she was done cleaning the courtyard, Freya looked at the wall in front of her.

The entrance to the fabled Diagon Alley.

Walking up to the wall, Freya recalled the pattern that needed to be followed to open this entrance. She then tapped three up and two across from the brick above the dustpan.

After this pattern, the brick wall began to move away from Dante and Freya as it revealed a vast and extremely dirty Diagon Alley.

Freya took the lead into Diagon Alley with Dante following closely behind.

When they walked into Diagon Alley, it was revealed that many of the shops lining the alley had kids running from place to place.

Looking around, Freya noted that many of these kids seemed to be getting ready for Hogwarts and that they carried around owls with them.

She looked to Dante and said, "We should get a set of familiars that can serve our needs."

Dante thought for a moment, then decided on what they should get. "Let's make a stop after our visit to the Ministry of Magic. We can stop by where they love to imprison those house elves. We might as well liberate a pair for our own use. I'm sure no one would even notice their departure. They are treated quite badly in the Wizarding World of London."

Freya smiled, then counted with her fingers. "First our wands, then our identities, and now a set of house elves. While we are at the Ministry of Magic, we might as well register our own wizard house as well. We can count ourselves among the Sacred Twenty-Eight families of England. That number will soon grow to twenty-nine with the arrival of the Valmore family."

Dante had no objection to them using Freya's last name for their house name. "Sounds fine to me, honey! Let's carry on with this wand task. We have an ever-growing list of things to do. Then we need to consider what subject we should teach at Hogwarts if we are to make the most out of this trip."

With this in mind, they proceeded deeper into Diagon Alley. First, they saw a great number of stores that were not in the original story.

Not only did Diagon Alley have the Magical Menagerie, but there were also several other pet stores that featured far more interesting pets than simply owls or frogs.

One particular store that dealt with pets was called Mystical Pets of Mystery. This store caught the attention of Freya and, as a result, the attention of Dante.

Freya decided to go into this pet store. She had a feeling that something in this place was resonating with her.

Walking inside the store, Freya noticed that the walls were lined with all kinds of trinkets and knickknacks. This place looked less like a pet shop and more like a garbage dump.

This is perhaps the reason why no wizard or witch ever bothers to come into Mystical Pets of Mystery.

Dante noticed the look on his love's face, then laughed. Freya has never spent a large amount of time among mortals like he has. This is something that's very typical among mortals—the good old mystery antique trick.

"Freya dear, you have not seen these kinds of things before. These objects contain the pets that this store is named for. Most likely, the object that's calling to you has a powerful entity residing within it."

Freya was surprised by Dante's statement, then nodded in understanding. "That makes sense. These mortals and their petty parlor tricks. One day, such a trick is going to backfire on them when they mess with the wrong god!"

Not saying anything more, Freya looked for the object that called out to her. She walked up to an old silver mirror that seemed to have been broken at one point.

Freya's reflection in the cracked mirror was still beautiful beyond compare. But seeing how this item was damaged, she simply touched the crack. As if time was being reversed, it began to vanish as all of the spiderweb-like cracks healed in moments.

Then, a complete mirror showed Freya's face, but on her right shoulder now rested a bright red bird covered in docile flames.

Freya put the mirror away for later study and looked at the phoenix that appeared on her shoulder, saying, "Now, how did a being like you end up trapped in a mirror realm?"

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