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{???'s POV}

Silent, Evil, Monster, all are words, but what do they have in common? They are all words people have used to describe me.

Silence. It's all I've been for the past 12 years of my life, and not cause I won't to. I so desperately want to speak, to bark orders to my men and women as they kill for me, to congratulate them when they succeed, but I can't, and all because my tongue has been sewed to the roof of my mouth, and my lips sewn shut.

Rain hit the roof and my windows as I sat quietly in my chair, going threw the names of groups whom have attacked and/or killed my men and women, humming a soft tune through my sewn lips when I hear my door open. I glance up with a small smirk as not to pull on the stitches, noticing a beaten and battered man walk in with Vesper walking in behind him, holding his arms.

"Found the little rat, miss." Vesper said with a smile on her face as she presented the beaten man.

I nod softly before nodding towards the door and pointing towards a clock that showed that it was lunch. Enjoy your lunch now, Vesper. I thought, watching as she nods as if reading my mind and walking out the door. I walk to the door after, locking it behind her.

The boy was already pleading for his life but one glare towards him immediately had him shut up. I walked back over to my desk after turning away again, hearing his cries and pleas ripping through the air, covering the calming sound of the light rain. I allowed him to continue this time, knowing he wouldn't be able to talk much longer. I grabbed a rusted yet sharp knife, a needle, and some thread before walking over to him, his pleas ceasing as he started questioning what I was doing. I tuned him out as I grabbed the rope that tied his hands together and placed them on a hook that hung from my ceiling, allowing me easy access to his face. I grab it and force his mouth open as he continues to fight before I stick my clothed fingers into it. I felt a sharp pain rip through my hand as his teeth dug into my skin. I immediately snatched my hand back as he bit me, a low growl escaping my throat as I walk away again to press a button, summoning some helpers.

I'll teach you to betray me, and bite me. I think, grabbing a pair of pliers before walking to the door and unlocking it, allowing two men to walk in. The sound of their boots hitting the ground repeatedly as they walk to him fills the room with his pleas.

I walk over before pointing at his mouth, they each grab one side of his mouth and pull it open. Take my pliers and place them on one of his teeth, his tears running down his face quicker as he realizes what I am doing. I slowly begin pulling on the tooth, blood streaming from the gum as it finally pops out, blood filling his mouth as he screamed. I place the tooth on a tray before going back in and plucking another one, blood squirting onto my face as I place it with the other one, his scream making my ears pop from just how loud it was.

Time goes by as he screams with each tooth I pull, the blood sick smirk never leaving my face as I continue to pluck the teeth, a collection of blood and tears collecting in my hand that held his face. He had gotten tired, and I'm pretty sure he passed out a couple times, however I didn't care, I continue plucking his teeth and placing them to the side, my helpers's fingers covering with blood as they held his mouth open.

I finally finish, plucking the last molar tooth out before swatting my hand at the two men who were obviously sick to their stomach at the sight. The left quickly, not wishing to anger and become next. I begin humming again as his head hangs down, blood seeping out of his mouth as his arms stay connected to the hook that descended from my ceiling, allowing him to rest on his knees.

Your teeth are so pretty. They will make a wonderful necklace, I think while placing my pliers away before grabbing the platter of teeth and sitting in my chair, grabbing the needle and thread and a drill. I place them next to the tray before standing again, grabbing my knife and walking over to hin, lifting his head and opening his mouth. He was unconscious, so it'd be easier for me to do it now, rather than when he's awake. I grab his tongue and pull it out, slicing it off at the base easily with the sharp knife. I drop his head again as blood starts rushing now, the slight dribble long gone as blood streamed out of his mouth. I sat back down in my chair after placing a towel underneath him, not wanting to overwork my cleaners.

I grab the drill before I begin drilling a hole into one of the teeth. After drilling through it I stand again, grabbing a chain and some smaller pliers before sitting down again. I place the chain down before pulling apart one of the pieces and treading the tooth onto it, placing it back together before doing it again, drilling a hole into the teeth, then threading it to its very own piece of the chain. His screaming begins again as he wakes up flailing around at the missing of a tongue.

I look up at him with a smirk before pulling his tongue up and flailing it around, showing him what I did. I go back to my tooth necklace, knowing he would pass out again soon, then I could finish his punishment.

I wonder how he'll blab my secrets off to enemy's without a tongue and with his mouth stitched shut? I think, watching as he passes out again before standing and grabbing the needle and thread. I walk over to him and lift his head again, pushing the needle through one side and out the other before repeating until his entire mouth was sewn shut.

I sat back down again, and finished the  remainder of  the teeth I take the tongue and bring it over to my pet panther, Glitch, and feed it to him. I finish the necklace before placing it around my neck. I hear moans and look out my window in horror as geeks begin breaking through the walls. I quickly run to my wardrobe, grabbing clothes and stuffing them away as Vesper rushes in.

"Boss! Boss! It's over, their in. they've broke in!" Vesper speaks panicked.

I nod softly in response, nodding towards my window, where geeks had already passed by as they headed to a different area. As always, she knew just what I was telling her to do and walked over to it, opening it before turning towards me. I gesture for her to go ahead before I start grabbing my weapons. She looked as tho she wanted to fight me on it, but she decided against it, hopping out and running towards the truck she'd before getting in one and speeding off.

Several knives, guns, axe's, and other weapons were tossed into a bag along with my attack plans. I grab an axe and chopped the dudes legs off, attracting geeks with the smell of his blood and they begin beating at the door.

Before jumping out of the window, I grab my tracking devices and other bits of machinery that could be helpful. The geeks finally break the door down before I jump out, Glitch jumping with me. I pull my axe out and shove it through the skull of some geeks who attempt to attack me as I run to the truck shed. I close and lock the doors after Glitch gets in before I begin siphoning all of the gas from the left over trucks into gas canisters, leaving any possible survivors with little to no gas.

I quickly put all the canisters into the back of the quietest truck before slapping my thigh twice to call for Glitch, getting in, and cranking it, driving away just as the geeks break through the doors.

Yeah idk, I hope you can kinda see where I'm going with this, the next chapter is gonna be the start. I'm gonna start watching the show and from here on out it will be 1 chapter, 1 episode. I hope you enjoyed the prologue, I don't know exactly when I will post next, hopefully I'll post once a week if I feel like it.

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