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The end of the week

Beyonce and Bryelle hadn't spoken since their last argument earlier in the week. Now, without any process being made, Bryelle was back at Tina's house.

She was laying in her bed and she could only think about how she wished she was back at Beyonce's. Even if they weren't speaking, for some strange reason, she just wanted to go back with Beyonce.

She wanted Beyonce to hold her and tell her she didn't hate her and that she forgave her for telling Brannon that his mother was a liar.

A knock on the door took Bryelle out of her thoughts.
She opened the door to see Tina standing there. She sat up and sat with her legs crossed.

"Hi, mama." She said softly.

"Hi, baby. How was it at Bey's?" Tina asked her as she came and sat on the bed. She was surprised that Bryelle was even referring to her as 'mama'. Earlier, she wouldn't speak a word to anyone except Solange, and that was barely.

Bryelle sighed, "Bad. I think I ruined any chance of us building a relationship."

"Solange told me what happened. I don't think the chances are ruined, though. Beyonce loves you too much to cut you off completely. She's just hurting right now, like you are. You both have been through a lot and are processing it." Tina said. She knew her daughter and granddaughter were both hurt greatly and she couldn't help but feel guilty that this was happening in the first place, but she was doing what was best to protect her family.

"She looked so angry...Like she had been betrayed. Mama, I'm just so confused." Bryelle put her head in her hands and took a breath to recollect herself.

"I'm angry with her. I'm angry with everyone, but for some reason, it's against Bey more than anyone, but I just want to hug her and restart our relationship. I want to forgive her, but I can't let this anger go. She lied to me."

Tina sighed and rubbed her back. "Bryelle, if that's the reason you're mad at Bey, then you oughta be mad at everybody the same way you are at her, but you aren't. You're taking your anger out on her," Tina said. "You have every right to feel how you feel, baby, but I you know I didn't raise you to disrespect anyone, no matter  how bad your attitude is. You can feel however you want, but you're not gonna disrespect Beyonce, because she's trying and she's hurt too."

Bryelle listened to Tina talk and she realized Solange said the same thing to her a couple days ago. Beyonce was, too, coming to terms with this whole thing and she wasn't helping neither of them.

"Just give her time, okay? Oh I almost forgot to tell you. Your Uncle Ray, Aunt Pattie, and your cousins are coming next week from Louisiana. I think Pattie said they're staying for about two weeks or so."

Bryelle smiled at that because she loved her family. Uncle Ray was always so nice and brought her and her sisters, minus Beyonce, gifts when he came to visit.

Aunt Pattie was just so sweet and funny and she could cook a mean pan of mac and cheese that had all the kids and adults fighting to get a plate, which often led to Tina having to kick everyone out the kitchen and call them in one by one to get their plate.

Her cousins, Essence and Joy, were her age, so when they came, Bryelle had people to hang out with. Essence was seventeen, like her, just a couple months younger than her, and Joy was sixteen.

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