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"You see.. I'm deaf, so I can't really hear you ehehe..", Akira said while rubbing her neck, clearly embarrassed. "I do lip reading tho! So I can communicate with people who don't know sign language!"

The girl put a big, toothy smile on her face while signing something. Clearly Kaji could not understand. However he found himself admiring her enthusiasm even in her misery. The enthusiasm he wished he himself would be able to muster.

How could this girl, who couldn't understand a word he said, who couldn't even hear his voice and most and foremost couldn't hear the sweet sound of music, be so happy and carefree? That was something beyond Kajis comprehension.

"I see..", the young boy answered. Looking at the girl again. He could see happiness in her eyes that he hadn't noticed before. Did it appear just now with his answer?

"Normally people just walk away once they find out I can't hear them.. but that doesn't mean I can't communicate!!", the girl said with a pout gracing her face. She balled her  hands into fists and stumped the ground with her feet, seemingly frustrated. "Hey hey! Kashi! Wanna be friends??", once again her blue eyes shone with enthusiasm, presenting her eagerness to the world.

Eagerness to be friends with me..?

Kaji found this to be quite strange. No one, especially not a girl, would want to be his friend. Yet here she was. Akira Miwa, a simple girl with pale blonde hair and sky blue eyes, nothing more and nothing less, yet Kaji found himself admiring her more and more. She wants to be his friend? His heart skipped a beat and for the first time in forever, Kaji felt at loss for words.

Waiting for an answer, the girl furrowed her eyebrows. Why wasn't he answering her? Did he not want to be her friend? What did she do wrong this time? As doubts began to eat the poor girl alive, she lowered her head, eyes losing their spark.

However Kaji soon noticed this, so he tapped her shoulder, signaling he wanted to say something. As Akira looked up, her eyes filled with hope as soon as they caught the small smile on the boys soft lips.

"Sure", he said with the softest voice he could muster, knowing she wouldn't be able to hear it. Upon realizing his response, the girls sky blue eyes shone brighter than the sun, happy with the outcome of this conversation.

Heart filled with joy, the foreign girl jumped at Kaji, hugging him affectionately. Never before had she had someone like a friend, no one would even bother communicating with her. She was all alone, the only people that would try to talk to her were her caretakers. So she decided to learn how to speak, in order to communicate properly. It was a hard task but she eventually manage to speak nearly without troubles. However once one found out she couldn't hear them, they turned away from her again, not giving her a chance to prove herself.

Kaji stood there frozen. For him too, this was a new experience. It was not often people would hug him, not that he wanted them to. They would rather run away, scared he would hurt them. But with this girl, it felt different. He felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. He felt appreciated.

Soon he began to wrap his arms around the girl, providing her with the same warmth he felt.

Both were teenagers, who were refused by society. Never accepted somewhere, never loved, never appreciated. However they found solace in each others embrace, understanding beyond words. Something they were grateful for.

Remaining in the same position for a couple more seconds, they soon parted. Akira smiled up at Kaji, eyes twinkling like stars in the night sky and smile brighter than the sun.

"Let's go to a café and eat breakfast! I'm so hungry!!", the girl whined, although unsure as most people would find her whining annoying. However Kaji couldn't resist the smile that was slowly forming on his lips, not a single sign of annoyance plastered on his face.

With newfound energy the girl grabbed his right hand, pulling him along with her, not patient enough to wait for an answer. For her, it didn't seem like the boy minded her behavior, so she continued on her path towards the closest café. And correctly, the boy did not mind it at all. It was not like he was especially hungry, but more that he enjoyed the warm and welcome feeling she triggered inside of him, that he decided to tag along and overlook the girls pushy attitude.

Leaving the park and walking down the street towards the closest café spot, the boy soon realized the irony of their situation. The boy that everyone hated and feared, and the girl no one seemed to care for, walking together. Wether it was gods generosity or the devils pity that brought the two together and brushed their loneliness away, Kaji couldn't deny that they were still outcasts. But at the thought of instead of being alone, spending time with this energetic girl, Kaji found himself not being to bothered by his worries.

However the girl didn't seem to notice any of his troubles as she used the time to continue on their one sided conversation, with her talking and Kaji listening. She wasn't bothered by the fact that he might not be listening to her or wasn't interested into her talking. She was just happy that he decided to stick around and keep her company. Something no one ever done before so she appreciated the momentum she found herself in.

Never would she had guessed that Kaji, indeed was listening. He found her stories about her daily life quite amusing. Hearing her ramble about the small kittens on the street she feeds every morning or the rude man in her favorite teashop, who keeps shooing her away. Truly it was sad that the only beings who appreciated her kind nature were him and the animals she takes care of so passionately.

Akira suddenly came to an abrupt halt. "Here it is!! The café I always eat breakfast in! Well not always.. but you get the idea!", the girl shyly rubbed her neck, looking up at Kaji, unsure of herself once again. "Let's go in, Kashi!", a big smile spread on her lips once again, as her eyes filled with enthusiasm.

Would it be anyone else, Kaji would already had beat them down before they had the chance to mispronounce his name. However with Akira, he found himself not bothered once again. What was this girl, who showed him kindness, doing to him?

It was as if she was the Sun, full of joy and warmth, and he the moon, full of sorrow and darkness. He wasn't able to shine solely by himself, however with her by his side, someone who shone on their own, he too began to glow.

Upon entering the small café, Kaji realized there were not many people inside. An old couple sat in the corner, enjoying their breakfast, while a middle aged man sipped on his coffee. It was a cozy place, with a few tables and a couch. Large windows allowed the warm sun rays to enter the cozy ambience.

The two teens sat at a table near the windows, enjoying the warmth that spread across their skin. Staring at each other, Akira continued with her monologues about her dislikes and likes. Although she wasn't sure if Kaji was actually listening and interested, she was thankful. However the boy indeed listened to her, eager to learn more about the joyous girl.

The waitress reached their table and asked for their orders, in which Akira wasted no time in ordering her favorite chocolate muffin with a warm, liquid like core and a simple water. Kaji decided it would be best to order his regular coffee in order to completely awake.

After the waitress left, the young girl turned to Kaji once again. "You know, we could do this more often! Or maybe you could visit me at my.. home!", she explained, with a barely noticeable change in her voice the moment her words were focused on her living conditions. However Kaji still caught it and it made him wonder: what could make her feel so miserable about her home? Wasn't home a place you're supposed to feel comfortable at? That was a secret he ought to uncover. Still, he smiled before he replied with a simple "yes, that would be wonderful."

In return, the blonde girl could only muster a soft smile, while her eyes deceived her true emotions. Sorrow, sadness and most and foremost loneliness.

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