Moving In

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Context- Lucy is Moving in to Tims neighborhood. ( she doesn't know this ). Tim notice the moveing and goes over to introduce himself.

Tim looked outside and saw his new neighbors. He saw a little girl jump out of the car following a young lady. The Little girl looked to be about 4 or 5 and the young lady looked to be about 22 or 23. The little girl was bubbly and jumping around as the young lady was handing her little boxes. So i thought i might go over and help.

Tim walked over.

Tim- Hey, I'm your new neighbor.

Lucy- Oh Hi, I'm Lucy

Tim- Tim, Just came to ask if yall needed any help 

A little girl came running out of the house. She ran up to Lucy and Started asking qeustions.

Ellie- Mommy, mommy which room is mine

Lucy- we have to look baby. here let me come inside annd we'll check in out together 

Ellie ran back inside. And Lucy laughed a little.

Tim- She cute, whats her name?

Lucy- Her names Ellie.

Tim- Cute, well would you like my help

Lucy- Yes, that would be Great

Tim- Okay

Tim starts to got the boxes out of the truck and took them inside there wern't as many as he expected some clothes and toys, and some kitchen stuff. 

Once Tim got all the boxes out the truck left and he saw ellie plaing with a blue elaphant stuff animal looked a little old. He smiled and went to Lucy.

Tim- Hey, just wanted to tell you everythings inside and im gonna head off

Lucy- Thank you Tim

Tim- No problem

Tim left and went back to his house he looked out the window and saw Ellie playing outside while Lucy sat on the prouch. He smiled and went to his room to get ready for work. 30 mintues later he walked outside to drive to work and saw Ellie and Lucy playing together ring around the rosie he thought. He started his car and dove off to the police station. He was happier it was werid.

Tim walked into the police station and went to rollcall. Angela followed him nyla was walking with her. 

Angela- Tim, why the happy face?

Tim- What are yall Talking about?

Nyla- You got a really big smile on your face 

Tim- Oh, Because i got a new neighbor

Angela- Ok, but why so happy about it ?  Your always grumpy about new people.

Tim- I don't know she has a little girl tough 

Angela- Oh, you like the new neighbor don't you

Tim- What , No I just helped them with boxes

Nyla- What are their names?

Tim- Lucy is the Mom, and Ellie is the kid 

Angela- Ok..... 

They walked in roll call and sat down they waited for grey to start . Once he walked in they started

Grey- Calm Down, OK so today we have.........

after he finished everyone went out on patrol.


lucy is calling jackson because thats her bestfreind. He picks up the phone and starts to talk.

Jackson- Whats up luce.

Angela looked at Jackson and wispered

Angela- (wispering) whos that

Jackson- ( wispering back) my freind

Angela- ( wispering )- oh ok

jackson coutienued tot alk to lucy

Lucy- hey, just wanted to ask if you cold come over later 

Jackosn- yeah, probaly around 6 why do you need anything

Lucy- no its just ellie wants to see you 

Jackson- then im coming you know i love her.

Lucy- thanks jacks bye, love you

Jackson- bye , love you too

Jackson hung up the phone and started talking to angela 

Angela - whats ya'll talk about

Jackson- nothing really she just wants me to come over later and say hi to her kid

Angela- i've never heard of this freind 

Jacksosn- I don't talk about her because i know your snopy and she doesn't like other people in her bisuness.

Angela- ok, i'm not that snoppy 

jackson gives angela a look and she looks deafested 

Angela- At least tell me her name 

Jackson- nope

Angela- fine how'd yyou meet 

Jackson- my dad was working on a case. That all im saying.

Angela- Fine    

LAter in the day they all went to lunch and everything was going great until...... 

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