Chapter 1 (Park)

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Hi, I'm Y/n, and I'm 18 years old. I know that having an imaginary friend is childish, but what if I still have one? And what if I started having feelings too? Then this is my story, dear readers. Let's begin from the start: my childhood.

It was a sunny day at the park. Little Y/n, around six years old, was playing happily on the swings. Her mother watched her lovingly from a nearby bench. Another mother sat down next to Y/n's mother, smiling as she observed the scene.

"Your daughter is too cute, but why is she talking alone?" the other mother asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"She's playing with her imaginary friend. You know, kids often create a friend in their imagination when they feel lonely, to feel less alone," Y/n's mother replied with a gentle smile.

Little Y/n laughed and talked animatedly to the empty swing next to her. She looked completely engrossed in her imaginary friend's company.

"Come on, let's go down the slide next! I'll race you!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

She ran towards the slide, looking back as if urging someone to follow her. She climbed up and slid down with a joyous giggle, landing at the bottom and looking beside her.

"I won! You're too slow, but it's okay, we'll try again," she said, giggling.

To anyone else, it might have seemed like she was playing alone, but to Y/n, her imaginary friend was as real as any other child in the park. She continued to play, engaging in games and conversations with this invisible companion. Her happiness and comfort were evident, showing how much this friend meant to her.

"She seems so happy with her friend. It's amazing how vivid a child's imagination can be," Y/n's mother said, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and wistfulness.

"It is. It's like she has her own little world," the other mother replied, a soft smile on her face.

Y/n's POV

The warm sunlight filtered through the trees as I ran across the playground, my laughter mingling with the sounds of other children playing. I was six years old, and the world felt vast and full of endless possibilities. My mother sat on a bench nearby, keeping a watchful eye on me while chatting with another mother.

"Jungkook, come on! Let's go to the slide!" I called out, looking over my shoulder as if expecting someone to follow me.

"Alright, let's race!" I imagined Jungkook replying, his voice as real to me as the chirping birds in the trees.

I reached the slide first and climbed up, my little hands gripping the metal bars tightly. At the top, I glanced to my right, imagining Jungkook climbing alongside me.

"I'm going to beat you this time!" I declared, pushing off and sliding down with a squeal of delight.

At the bottom, I landed with a thud, turning to see if Jungkook had caught up. "I won again! You're too slow, Jungkook," I teased, giggling.

"Next time, I'll be faster," Jungkook's imagined voice replied, filled with playful determination.

As I ran back towards the swings, my mother continued her conversation with the other mother.

"Your daughter is too cute, but why is she talking alone?" the other mother asked, glancing over at me.

My mother smiled softly. "She's playing with her imaginary friend. You know how kids are. When they feel lonely, they create friends in their imagination to feel less alone."

I pumped my legs on the swing, soaring higher and higher, feeling the wind rush through my hair. Jungkook was on the swing next to me, matching my pace. "Let's see who can swing the highest!" I challenged.

"You're on," Jungkook's voice echoed in my mind.

We spent hours at the park, moving from the swings to the sandbox and back again. In the sandbox, I built a castle, carefully patting down the sand to form towers and walls. Jungkook helped, his hands invisible but his presence felt in every grain of sand.

"Look, Jungkook, it's our castle," I said proudly, stepping back to admire our handiwork.

"It's amazing, Y/n. You did a great job," Jungkook praised, his voice warm and encouraging.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the playground, my mother called out to me. "Y/n, it's time to go home!"

"Coming, Mom!" I replied, reluctantly standing up and brushing the sand off my clothes.

"Will you come with me tomorrow, Jungkook?" I asked, looking at the spot beside me where I imagined him standing.

"Of course. I'll always be with you," Jungkook promised, his voice a comforting presence in the fading light.

I ran back to my mother, taking her hand as we walked home. The world felt a little less lonely with Jungkook by my side, even if he only existed in my imagination.

That night, as I lay in bed, I thought about the day we had spent together. "Goodnight, Jungkook," I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight, Y/n," his voice echoed back softly.

Drifting off to sleep, I felt a sense of peace and contentment. Jungkook was my best friend, my constant companion in a world that often felt too big and overwhelming. With him by my side, I knew I could face anything. And for now, that was enough.Those innocent games and conversations were the beginning of something much deeper. Little did I know, as I played with my imaginary friend, that bond would only grow stronger over the years.

That was the beginning. My imaginary friend was always there for me, and our bond only grew stronger as time passed. But for now, let's stay in the past a little longer, where the innocence of childhood made everything seem possible.

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