Chapter One: Tatooine

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A ship landed on the docks and a man stood up. He put on his mask and black robe and walked out of the cockpit. He holstered his revolver and put his saber on his belt. He punched a button on the wall and the ramp lowered and he walked out. He was greeted by three people as they waved. Then they noticed his iconic mask and light saber. The man that stood in the  unholstered their pistol and prepared to fire. "Die Sith scum!" He yelled but the man unholstered his revolver as fast as lightning and fired. The man stumbled back and fell on the ground steaming. The other two prepared to fire. The man fired two shots and they both fell down dead. As he walked past the steaming bodies he dropped some credits. "For the stains." His modulated voice said as he walked past them. 

He exited the port and walked into the streets of tatooine. He looked around and saw the diner in a picture his contact gave him. He walked in and a woman greeted him. "Hello! How can I help you?" She asked and he nodded to her. "I need information." His modulated voice said and she nodded. "What kind of information?" She asked him and he showed her the photo. "A contact gave me this photo so I could search for a man named Jordan and I believe he works here." He told her and she nodded. "He works the register right there." She said and pointed to a man talking with a customer. He thanked her and tossed her some credits and walked over to the man. The man saw him and waved and looked into his visor. "How can I help you sir?" The man asked and he stared at him. "Do you know who you are?" He asked the man confusing him. "What do you mean sir?" He asked him and the man spread his arms out and laughed. "This must be a joke?" He said to cashier and then became Serious. "I know you're a Jedi." He said and the cashier watched as he pushed away his robe and revealed a lightsaber on his belt. "Your the Hunter." The cashier told him and he forced pulled something from another room. The cashier ignited a blue lightsaber and leaped over the counter. The Hunter pulled out his revolver and fired shots at him. The Jedi deflected it and The Hunter dodged them and then the Jedi prepared to slash. The Hunter pulled out his lightsaber and ignited the red blade. He deflected the hit and pushed forward with the sword. The Jedi stumbled back and then regained his balance and charged. He tried to jump over him but the man swung his sword and cut of the Jedi's hand. The Jedi landed on the ground but the sith was ready. He lifted his sword and prepared to stab him. 

The man stabbed the saber into the Jedi's chest and pulled it out. The Jedi's chest was burnt and there was a hole in the middle of his chest. The Jedi was know dead and he stood up and holstered his revolver. Then five mercenary's ran in and aimed their guns at him. The Hunter turned off his lightsaber and put it on his belt. One of the men carried cuffs and walked towards him. He stood behind him and prepared to hand cuff him. Then the man elbowed the man in the face and pulled him in front. The other mercenary's already started to fire and their own teammate fell on the ground with steam rising from his body. One of the men ran at him and prepared to hit him with the back of his gun. The Sith sidestepped and the man ran past. The Sith put his foot around the other man's foot and pulled and the man started to fall. He then kicked the man and he fell on a table and shattered it. The man pulled out his revolver and shot the man in the chest. The last three started to fire their guns but the Sith dodged all the shots. He ran at the first one and uppercut him. The man staggered back but the man pulled him back and kneed him in the face. The man tumbled onto the ground and the last two both fired. Both shots missed and they both hit each other. All the people that were in the room were running out and The Hunter reloaded his gun. He walked towards the exit and tossed a bag of credits to the woman. "Sorry for the mess." He said and walked out of the diner. 

Four mercenary's stood outside waiting. Two hid behind one speeder while the other two behind another. The soon noticed the man walk out and they opened fire. They all missed their shots and the man fired a shot. One of the mercenary's fell back dead and the others fired another barrage. They still missed their shot while the man they fired upon fired two accurate shots. Two more of the men fell dead and the last man got on his speeder and started to drive away. The man walked into the middle of the street and aimed at the speeder. He fired his shot and the bolt hit the man in the back of the head. The man fell off the speeder while it crashed into a building. The place erupted into fire and the man walked away. He got on the last speeder the mercenary's had and drove away. 

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