Jaeyun/Yujin ~ A Glimpse Within Ten

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1) Who would sing a love song to the other in the car?

The both of them, except it would be a love duet instead, and it's not singing either (they're screaming instead).

Jaeyun likes to turn on the most cringe, fluff infiltrated songs to ever exist, and Yujin laughs before she joins in, bopping her head along and singing with as much enthusiasm. Sometimes, they have to stop at a parking lot because they're singing a little too passionately.

(Stay safe out there)!

But Yujin's favorite part is glancing over at him as he sings his heart out, and it's like she falls in love all over again when he looks at her with such tender eyes.

2) Who is more likely to break out into a spontaneous dance?


She always likes moving around, and doing silly things, but especially when Jaeyun is down. It's just one simple wave, and he already starts to lighten up. Then she'll grab his hand, pull him up, and they start breaking out into the dumbest, goofiest dances (but no one cares — his laughter is music to her ears, and her determination in making him feel a little better ignites something fond in him).

3) Who hogs the blanket?

Yujin does. It's not like she wants to, but Jaeyun likes blasting the air conditioning at night, and even with his warmth right next to her, and his arms wrapped tight around her, she's still freezing.

But honestly, she doesn't tell him because he follows the blanket. And when he follows the blanket, he'll be right next to her. And what happens next? He hugs her... so honestly, she doesn't care that much.

Just when it's winter and there is no possible way she's going to survive how cold it is.

4) Who uses more nicknames for the others?


He prefers using her name, but loves slipping in something to "spice" things up. Sometimes, she'll jump and look at him with a sly smile, punch his arm, blush, or giggle as she flutters her eyelashes and returns the favor.

His favorite is... he actually hates all of hers (and she knows) — who calls someone "buzzing bee" out of fondness?

His favorite nickname for her, though, is princess. She never fails to melt into such a beautiful smile, her dimple peeking out, and the sweet blush that dots her cheeks — and it's utterly beautiful to stare at — to the point where he can't tear his eyes away.

5) Who confesses?

Jaeyun does.

It's probably not the most conventional place — under a large construction site with the jackhammer practically so loud he can't hear himself, but he screams over it all, proclaiming his love, and Yujin visibly confused and amused.

It just came out of his mouth, like he couldn't contain how much he felt for her before it came out at the worst place and time possible.

She still said yes (thankfully), but he gets embarrassed whenever he is reminded of it.

Yujin thinks it's the cutest thing ever — so whenever they're near a construction site, she whispers in his ear how much she loves him till he turns red.

6) Who throws the other in a pool?

Jaeyun does.

He's not really the type to, but when she's spraying a water gun in his face at every chance she can get, the urge is inexplicable.

He stands up from his seat and watches as her eyes widen before she attempts to run away, but he's faster, and she's thrown over his shoulder before she knows it. She's slapping his back, screaming and laughing as she begs him to stop, but he doesn't, and she goes down unceremoniously.

7) Who compliments the other in front of everyone?

They both do.

Sometimes, Yujin starts to blush before punching his arm in an effort to stop him, but Jaeyun never does. He needs to show her off, to show her that she needs to be appreciated for her efforts, and that all her hard work isn't in vain.

On the ride home, Yujin tears up, and as they hold hands, Jaeyun tells her how he feels, and how proud he is of her.

Yujin compliments and brags about him whenever she can. Whether it be practice videos or just a simple vlog, she shows her appreciation. He'd always done that for her, so she'll return the favor so he can feel how proud she is.

She loves watching the way his face lights up like a kid with a lollipop and how he tries just a little harder to impress her.

8) Who is more likely to cry during a movie/book?

Yujin does.

It's probably because she watches more angsty shows, but she can't help the urge to just bawl her eye out when the movie is over. Jaeyun tries comforting and hugging her, but she isn't soothed until there's a bowl of ice cream in front of her.

And on the off chance that he's crying too, they both bawl until one of them breaks out laughing at how absurd the situation is.

9) Who would make a playlist for the other?


It's one of his favorite things to do because he can always add a secret message or just show her his appreciation based on the lyrics, or find songs that remind him of her.

She like listening, making notes and commenting, and they turned it into a hobby. It's sweet to show love their way, and Yujin is always excited to hear them.

10) Who looks at the other person like they're their world when the other isn't looking?

They both do!

Jaeyun likes watching her whenever he can. When she's under the spotlight, during interviews, or whenever she's right there, in front of him. There's something that fills him up when he's looking at her, like she completed his not quite full heart with her presence. And it's overwhelming sometimes, but he knows that he loves her, and it truly translates in his eyes.

She looks at him like he's the world when he's laughing. And maybe there really is something in his laugh that makes her feel that way, but seeing him so carefree around her makes her happy. Like she achieved something. And she would do anything to keep him laughing until all that's imprinted in her head is his smile and laugh.

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Feeling a little uninspired to write, so I decided to cook another one of these up again :(

I'll get on the grind as soon as I find my willpower! I think I'm just burnt out or something.

Lol, please ignore the grammar mistakes 💀

Anyways, hope y'all have a great day/night, and rest well!

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