Lurking Shadow

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Eve whipped her body around to be met with a young boy, about her age if not maybe a year or two older. He had bright green eyes, and silver hair that reached just above his collar bones, the top half was pinned back with a wooden twig clip, exposing his elf ears, the bottom half lay freely, and straight. He was much taller than Eve, standing about 6 feet tall, as he towered above her, she noticed his attire, he wore a green coat, clasped shut with a silver eagle brooch, it was patterned with darker green swirls, made of a shiny fabric, almost velvet like. Around his waist was a belt, also adorned with the same symbol in the middle, and a small dagger hanging from it. He wore simple black trousers, skin tight, and dark brown boots. A white bow rested on his back, curled up on the ends, with silver swirling down the whole thing, Eve thought it was beautiful. His quiver also stood strapped to his chest, resting on his back next to the bow, a matching white and silver pattern, the string and leather strap crossing over each other on his front. He spoke with an elegant British accent, deep and smooth as melted chocolate.

Eve was speechless, he frankly made her slightly nervous, she wasn't sure why. "Uh... who... why... I'm sorry, who are you?" Eve mentally scolded herself, she couldn't even muster a full sentence when looking into those leaf green eyes. "Aw, that's disappointing, I would've hoped my name had been mentioned during that ridiculously deep and cringe worthy conversation you had with my old pals." "Wait, what? You know about Azure and Étoile? How do you know about that conversation? Old pals?" "You'll soon come to learn all this, but you should know this about me little one, I'm never far away, and I was watching that whole thing." Eve blushed at his nickname for her, mentally scolding herself again, she just met him and she was blushing in his presence?

"Nonetheless, my name is Atlas Argyros, but you can call me Atlas." "That's a strange last name, its pretty" she replied, looking at the ground, "why, thank you. It's Greek for "silver" horribly pretentious if you ask me." He looked directly at her while letting out a small chuckle. Eve felt her stomach flutter, as her face heated up, looking into his eyes it was like she was engrossed, she didn't know why, but it took all she had to look away from him. "You haven't told me your name" he said, running a hand through his hair, "oh, I'm Eve. Just moved here I suppose you could say." She took a step back nervously, as he undid the dagger on his belt and twirled it around in his hand. "That's a beautiful name, also yes, I haven't seen you around here before so I assumed Azure had been up to her usual antics again" he stepped closer still twirling the dagger around his fingers. "Antics? What do you mean?" Eve was nervous at the obvious skill he possessed with his weapons.

"Oh my dear Eve, she does this all the time, brings the newly blossomed ones, newly sprung spring chicks for her use, you Eve, will be the same as all those others she has brought here. She has that incessant fairy student of hers, teach them how to control and use their powers, whether they're mermaids, fairies, witches, mages, whatever the case. She has them taught and turned into her personal soldiers, used for her protection against all the enemies she has made with her awful reign as Queen Azure. She is not the best person I have ever met, rather selfish I'm afraid. Has gotten many of her former students and guards killed, many of whom I knew too. I hope she hasn't given you the impression you're particularly special to her?" Eve stared into his eyes, watching as he was still playing with his dagger, and grinning in an unsettling manor. "Ah, she has. How unfortunate, well little one you can trust her if you wish, but if I were you, I'd be careful. She wants your power for herself, however I on the other hand, would love to teach you for your own benefit. If you'd like, come with me to my palace, my father and I will take wonderful care of you, you'd love it in our kingdom." The wind howled around them and Eve pulled her arms close to her, only being in a t-shirt, "I think I can make my own judgements Atlas, but thank you for the warning, I should get going home now."

Eve turned to walk away, when suddenly that uneasy feeling returned, causing her to stop in place and turn around. Almost like he planned it that way, he gave her a knowing smirk. "You, my dear Eve, should watch yourself around these woods" Atlas began, slowly stalking towards her, dagger still out towards her. Eve looked at the ground again, wanting to look anywhere but at him, "you never know when somebody might want to use one of these on that pretty throat of yours" he said, lifting her chin with his index finger, forcing her frightened and confused gaze to fix on his, placing the dagger ever so gently up to her throat, another grin plastered on his face. He removed the dagger and backed away slightly, then removed his bow and quiver, then his coat, revealing a long sleeved white shirt underneath, frilled cuffs on the wrists "you just remember what I said, my darling" he said lowly, bending down to be next to her ear, as close to her as he could possibly get. Eve inhaled deeply, almost subconsciously, he smelled of vanilla and musk, she almost felt out of control of her body, drunk on his scent, smile, eyes, everything about him made her cheeks burn. He draped his coat over Eve's trembling shoulders, and bowed, kissing her hand, before returning his weapons to his back, and disappearing into a green cloud of mist.

Eve flopped down onto her bed, releasing a deep, long sigh. "What is wrong with me?!" she thought aloud, still wearing Atlas' coat, inhaling deeply she thought of how good the coat smelled, then remembered how good he smelled, being so close to him had made her feel uneasy, but also something else that gave her flutters in her stomach.

Azure walked the forest at night, pacing when she was unable to sleep, she stopped at a lake, with a waterfall and a cave behind it. She came here whenever she was troubled, needing to connect with nature for a while. The sound of the water flowing, the crisp night air, the glowing stars above in the night sky, chirping crickets, fireflies, it all made her feel better.

Until she felt a very familiar presence, one she did not like at all, knowing it only brought trouble at the best of times. She exhaled in annoyance, and turned to face a dark patch of the forest behind her, looking into the shadows. She sighed again, "Atlas" the shadow emerged revealing Atlas indeed, white shirt on display from his previous encounter. "Ah, Queen Azure your majesty, pleasure as always, so when did you plan on telling me you got me a new toy?"

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