Hi There.

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Eve whipped around as a loud noise behind her made her jump out of her skin. The air was cold and she shivered, although that may have also been fear. As she turned slowly, she was met with a blonde woman, her eyes were the brightest blue she had ever seen, they twinkled in the dim light of her makeshift flame lamp. She wore a long silver dress with blue accents around the sleeves and neckline, it was sparkling and dragged along the floor, swishing gracefully as she moved. Her golden blonde hair was tied neatly into a french twist on top of her head, and two tight ringlets fell either side of her face, bouncing. She had soft features, kind blue eyes and a natural smile, thin yet perfect brows that matched her hair, and long thick eyelashes that naturally curled upwards. In her right hand she held a wand, it was white and had golden accents curling around it, with a gold handle on the bottom, constantly emitting some kind of sparkles as it moved along with her hand.

"Ooh! Hello there, I do apologise for the sudden intrusion" she said in what sounded like a posh British accent. Her smile was warm, and oddly comforting. "Oh, lovely... home you have here" she said as she looked around the abandoned gym that Eve was currently calling home. "Who are you? Where did you even come from?" Eve was startled, and now confused, she had no idea what to make of this strange woman who seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Oh silly me I haven't introduced myself yet have I?" She smiled yet again and took a step back, with a courtesy she said "I'm Étoile."Eve was shocked to say the least. She replied "that's a nice name" "thank you, it's french for star, terribly predictable for a fairy" she laughed slightly. "Don't you worry Eve, I'm here to help you" she gave her a pat on the shoulder and Eve simply gasped in shock, "but I didn't..." "tell me your name? Oh you didn't need to hun, I know all about you, the mermaid with powers out of control, new one for me I'll be honest, but it's nothing a bit of my training can't fix." She replied winking at Eve. "Now, I suggest we get you out of this... this lovely... place you have here, and get those powers in check, yes?" Eve nodded, figuring that she couldn't possibly be any worse off than she currently was. Maybe she could actually get some help, so she agreed, and Étoile motioned for her to take her hand so she did, and with one wave of her wand she was engulfed in a cloud of silver sparkles. "Maybe close your eyes dear" Eve closed her eyes tightly and before she knew it she felt a gentle breeze on her face and heard birds chirping, and when her eyes opened she was no longer in that abandoned gym.

She was standing in the middle of a lush green forest, trees as tall as she could see, reaching the sky. A pond with the clearest water she had ever seen was tucked into a corner on her right, a little waterfall flowing into it, and fish of every colour of the rainbow swimming in it. Eve had never seen anything like it. The trees had long winding leaves and vines that curled around them, they seemed to have golden sparkles falling from them. Butterflies in vibrant colours fluttered around and hummingbirds buzzed around the trees. "Where are we? How did you do that?" She asked, eyes wide, "rather simple actually, I brought us home using my wand." Étoile replied with that same warm smile she had been using. Eve was too stunned to comprehend what was happening, "home?" She asked still utterly confused, "yes Eve, you're home now. This is where you belong, with your own species, people who are like you, people who can teach you about who you are, how to harness your power and have it in control. This is where you should be." She placed her hand reassuringly on Eve's shoulder, as a small tear rolled down her face. "I don't understand, how did this happen? Why was I born this way?" She whispered while sitting down on a nearby rock next to the pond. "Because you, Eve, are a special girl. A special girl, born of the sea and the land, the power to thrive in any circumstance, water and land being your elements. A siren at the core, and the rest of your magic flows through you, to be used however you want it to be, you can do so much Eve, you just have to trust yourself." Étoile sat beside her and spoke gently, placing her want on her lap and hands resting on top of it. "Why did you bring me here? Why can't you teach me at home where I was?" She replied solemnly, looking at the grass beneath her. "Home? Where you were abandoned and shunned? Living in that filth on your own because they didn't understand? Eve, they took one look at what you could do and shut you out, that was not your home, you don't belong with humans, you need proper teaching, when you know what you can do, and control it, you can be so happy here." Eve knew she was right, but this change was going to be difficult, something she needed but didn't know how to feel about, Eve was no longer alone, and she was grateful for this deep down. "How did you know that?" She asked glancing at the wand neatly laid in Étoile's lap, "I was a lot like you, born of humans" she said with a small smile. "They saw one glimpse of what I could do, saw one look at me and threw me out in the streets" with a weak laugh and smile she stared into the water of the pond, listening to the gentle trickling. "What do you mean they saw you?" Eve asked curious, and somewhat happy that she had somebody who understood her, someone that came from the same background she had, "they saw all of me, they saw this" she replied as a pair of beautiful wings opened from behind her, they were the shape of a butterfly wing, and were white and shimmering, yet shone rainbow in the sunlight, they were strong and the veins of the wings were visible, when fully opened they were sparkling in the most amazing rainbows. "They're gorgeous" Eve said in awe, just as she said that, they closed and disappeared away again, "thank you, they're very special to me" Étoile replied smiling, standing up and picking up her wand, "how did you learn to control it?" Eve asked slightly saddened. "I had a very good teacher who showed me there was more, she taught me how to use what I have and helped me see where I really belong, you can have that too Eve. I promise you're going to love it here, you can learn to control your powers, and see what you can truly do. Alright, I say we get going, your new home is waiting" she said happily, and the warm smile returned, "alright, let's go then" Eve replied feeling a surge of nervous excitement in her stomach.

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