Free Thinking

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"Atlas! Get that sorry excuse of an elf in here!" Argyle yelled at the servants, who began rushing around trying to find him. He appeared at the balcony hopping over the railing and sauntering into the room. "Father, I thought you might like to know that Eve is non the wiser as to what has happened, and Azure is coming apart as we speak. It won't be long now until you have what you want I assure you." He said smiling, "wipe that ridiculous look of your face and act like the prince you are, you address me as your king, for heavens sake Atlas!" Argyle scolds while sipping a glass of wine. "The silly little human dweller is still alive, therefore I don't have what I want, and Azure is the least of our concerns right now, she will fall apart no matter what you do, she's weak like that."

Upon once again hearing that he was to kill the girl he had begun to develop feelings for, Atlas felt his chest tighten, and his heart grow heavy. There was no way he was going to kill her, but he also knew if he were to release the spell on her, she would never look at him the same, he'd probably squandered any chance he had with her already, and his Father would probably kill her himself were he to find out. Although it weighed on his conscience and he wanted nothing more than to free her, and tell her properly that he was madly in love with the girl.

"Why must she die, Father? Why can't we just leave it alone now? Or, have her join our side?" Atlas tried in a desperate attempt to change Argyle's mind. "You fool, Atlas. That girl has the power to annihilate a whole kingdom with a single thought and doesn't even know it! As soon as Azure teaches her how to unleash her full power, she will be sent here to obliterate us! You will kill her, or I will. No discussions, now leave me, I have business to attend to."

Atlas bid his father goodbye, telling him he was going hunting, however he began to walk the familiar trail that led to the hollow, unsure as to what he wanted, but he knew he had to do something about it soon. When he arrived he tried his best to stay hidden, making his way to his mother's palace, really it was a mansion made out of wood, and leaves, all swirled together to create the architecture that was the heart of the fairy hollow. It had a large circular double door entrance with gold handles, adorned with a wooden arch with gold lights strung through it, the windows had ledges under them made from birch wood and it had ivy crawling down the sides. Flowers were growing from the wood all over and hanging baskets were hung on the front with green leaves creeping over. It really was quite beautiful, Atlas had always thought what it would be like to call it his home.

He slipped his way in past the guards effortlessly as he always did, following the sound of two very familiar voices coming from the main room in the middle of the house. It was large and spacious, decorated with lanterns and fairy lights, a grand fireplace was on the wall in the middle of the room, surrounded by a table, and many bookshelves filled with spell books, novels, and scrolls. There was one large stained glass window on the middle wall, and smaller more detailed ones next to it, as well as small regular windows around the rest of the room.

Hidden in the shadows Atlas remained hugging the wall, undetected he listened to the conversation the familiar voices were having.

"This should work, but if you feel strangely or anything feels wrong, let me know." Azure was saying to Eve, who was stood next to Étoile, who had a chair and a glass of water at the ready. Azure had a book on the grand table, reading from it as she chanted a spell and waved her wand over Eve. Immediately she was engulfed with blue sparkles, which then turned to gold illuminating the whole room. Once it cleared, Eve rubbed her eyes and sat down carefully as Étoile slid the chair behind her. "Woah, that was crazy Azure, what was that about?" Eve's voice was almost soothing to Atlas, but he too wanted to know what Azure was up to, though he already had his suspicions.

"Atlas had a spell over you dear. Apologies for the secrecy, but just in case it didn't work I wanted to be safe, how do you feel?" Eve took several minutes to process what was happening, until she finally stood and said "what spell? I feel like I've just woken up from a lifetime long nap, but other than that I don't feel any different." The silence in the echoey room was only broken by the occasional crackles of the fireplace. Étoile and Azure exchanged a concerned glance before Etoile explained "Atlas put a love spell over you in order to gain control over you, no doubt his Father's doing, we're looking into that. But if you don't feel strange, or like you've regained your thoughts, or if you don't feel different at all..." her soft blue eyes glazed over in concern, looking to Azure for help. "If you feel no different it either means it didn't work, or it means..." she paused with a deep sigh and furrowed her brows before finishing her sentence, "it means you're in love with him for real. The spell didn't work, it never went deep enough to change your real feelings, somewhere deep inside you really did fall in love with Atlas."

"I... think I should get home, my queen. It's late, but I appreciate the help." Eve said staring at the floor in disbelief. She always thought she felt something for the elf, and it was real. She had fallen in love with him.

Atlas listened in disbelief as Étoile left and walked Eve home, and also partly relief which made him feel strange, why was he so happy? Was she really in love with him? He hadn't even thought that was possible while she was under a spell, but if it were true, if the spell really didn't work, what would he do about it? He wondered and thought about it for a while, he could pursue it, and risk his Father finding out and there being huge consequences, or he could leave her alone and let the heartache eat him alive.

He decided he was in love either way, and he had to see her, even if it were for the last time.

Eve sat at her dining room table rubbing her aching head, too much had happened and she had too much to think about. Atlas had already been in the cottage standing behind her for 10 minutes, just watching as she made tea, sipping it and looking through a book, he was admiring her beauty.

"Hate to interrupt" he strode forward into the doorway, leaning against it, as Eve gasped loudly turning around and dropping her tea. "Oh my god! Atlas!? What the hell! Why can't you use the doorbell?" She rasped clutching her rapidly beating heart. It was partly the jump scare, and was mostly the elf leaning in her doorway, looking somehow even more handsome than when she last saw him. "Sorry, doors are just rather boring when you can slip through a window" he smirked, in his own attempt to calm his nerves, as he looked into her baby pink eyes, hypnotising as ever.

She was doing the same thing, feeling butterflies in her stomach yet again, staring into his eyes getting lost for a little too long, realising she was staring, she cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure, unsure if she should fear him, allow him to make her this idiotic fool and swoon, or both. "Yes well it seems allowing me to think for myself is boring to you as well." She couldn't help the smirk that was tugging on her lips as she saw Atlas' front coming apart.

She turned away to begin cleaning up the spilled tea, picking up the cup and placing it into the kitchen sink. When she turned around, Atlas was stood behind her, causing her to audibly gasp again, however this time, it was mainly due to him pressing her between himself and the counter. He was so close and now that she was so close to him she wasn't nearly as confident, his breath tickled her face, and the warmth of his body pulled her in, being under his gaze was crippling the front she had attempted to put up. She couldn't help it, he drew her in, the sound of the kitchen tap dripping pulled her attention away from him, allowing him to slip his hand under her chin, gently pulling her gaze back to his.

With nowhere to go, she allowed her composure to slip, her breathing becoming hitched and nerves becoming significantly more apparent. "I hope you know, little one, it was never my intention to fool you with that spell, if you so choose, I shall leave you be, and you shall never see me again. But I couldn't lose the opportunity to tell you Eve, I am completely, ridiculously, madly in love with you. Despite this being a horrifically bad idea, if you'll allow me to, I could make you happy for real, I love you Eve, truly I do."

Eve had no idea how to process this, she somewhat knew she shouldn't let this happen, that it was dangerous and crazy, but she also couldn't deny what she felt for the mischievous, handsome, trickster elf she'd  grown to know so well, she couldn't deny that she wanted it too.

Without even realising, she looked from his eyes to his lips briefly, and leaned forward slightly, getting the hint, Atlas immediately wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in and connecting their lips, it was like sparks flew in both of their minds, the heat and passion was unbearable. Parting again they both breathed heavily, staring into one another's eyes deeply.

"I love you too, Atlas."

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