Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

I slowly force my eyes open hearing something. Right next to me the door is wide open, and Olaf is by the fireplace lighting a match and getting the fire started. "Olaf? Olaf get away from there."

"So this is heat? I love it." He reaches towards the fire but his hand catches fire. He quickly waves his hand extinguishing the flame before he comes over to me. "But don't touch it." He helps me to my feet and leads me over to the fire. I feel so cold it hurts to move. I lean most if not all of my weight on Olaf. I can't stop my body from shivering. He sits me in front of the fire as I rub my arms trying to get at least a little bit warmer. "So, where's Tad? What happened with the kiss?"

"I was wrong. It wasn't true love like I thought. God, I was so fucking stupid to think he even liked me."

"But we ran all the way here....."

"Olaf, you have to go. You can't stay here. You'll melt."

"I am not leaving until we find you another act of true love. Do you have any ideas?"

"I'm not even sure that I know what true love is anymore."

"That's okay, I do." He grabs a blanket off the back of the couch and comes over putting the blanket over my shoulders. "Love is putting someone else's needs above your own wants. Like, you know, how Bill brought you back her to Tad and left you forever."

What? Bill loves me? Do I love him then? I admit that when I was around him it did feel a lot different than the feelings I had for Tad. But I thought Bill was just doing all of this to be nice and because of our deal. But he did all of this because he loves me? "Bill loves me?"

Olaf comes around so he's facing me. "Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?"

I notice that water starts dripping from him. "Olaf, y-you're melting."

"Some people are worth melting for." His face starts to melt as he tries to hold it up in place. "Just maybe not right this second." The blizzard outside suddenly blows the window wide open. I pull the blanket around me tighter, desperately trying to keep somewhat warm. "Don't worry, I've got it!" He rushes over to the window. "We're going to get through- Wait, hold on. I'm getting something." Looking back at him I see him bite off the end of an icicle and use it as a telescope. "It's Bill and Sven! They're coming back this way!"

"They.....they are?"

"Wow, he's moving really fast. I guess I was wrong. I guess Bill doesn't love you enough to leave you here forever."

"Help me up, Olaf. Please." I try to get to my feet but I can't without a horrible pain running through my entire body. Olaf rushes back over to me.

"No no no no. You need to stay by the fire and keep warm."

"I need to get to Bill."

"Why?" I give him a look and I see the realization spread across his face as he helps me up to my feet. "Oh, I know why! There's your act of true love. Riding across the fjords like a valient, pungent reindeer king."

He takes my hand as we see giant icicles sprouting from the ceiling and the floor. Olaf pulls me out into the hall as I use one hand to keep the blanket around my shoulders. We get out to the hall but the giant icicles are forming there blocking the way forward. Looking behind us the icicles are forming, leaving us with nowhere to go.

Looking to my left I see the window. Looking out it is a huge snowbank we could safely slide down. I try to push the window open but the wind is blowing so hard out there that it physically won't let me open the window. I slam my elbow into the window, glass shattering and the bone chilling wind blowing in.

Olaf climbs out the window first before he helps me out. I hold onto the blanket around me tighter as I look down the steep snowbank. I sit down on the snowbank, and slide down with Olaf following after me. Once we get to the bottom He grabs my hand and we start making our way across  the fjords. We have to go slow, because of the howling wind making it nearly impossible to see anything, and the cold pain getting worse in me. I feel so cold that it hurts to even breath. My hat gets blown off my head and lost in the storm.

The winds become so strong that Olaf is blown away piece by piece. "Keep going!" He shouts as he's blown away.

I look around, not even sure if I'm going in the right direction anymore. For all I know I could just be heading back towards the castle. I am so turned around out here and so so fucking cold. "Bill! Bill!" I painfully start walking again but looking at my hands I see in horror that the tips of my fingers were turning icey blue, a white ice color spread further down my fingers. "No no no no no....."

This can't be happening this can't be possibly happening. I'm running out of time. I have to find Bill now. "Bill......Bill where are you....."

All of a sudden the blizzard stops, the snowflakes just hanging in mid air. Looking across the fjords I see Bill running towards me. I painfully and slowly try to make my way over to him when something to my far left catches my attention. Mabel is on the ice, on her hands and knees. What is she doing here? Behind her is Tad, with a sword in hand.  No no no.....Glancing at Bill again I drop the blanket and use every ounce of energy I have to run to Mabel. Every part of me is screaming in pain as I run over to her.

I stand in between her and Tad, throwing a hand up to block the sword. "No!" I watch as the ice completely covers my hand and arm, my lungs feeling cold and my vision going dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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