Chapter 8 - Group

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The two walked back out, catching the attention of Mike and El who both smiled at the pair.

"We thought you had died in there." El teased, Max scoffing and letting out a small laugh.

"Ooh, you have beer?" Max grinned as she saw Mike drinking some, "I want beer, can I have some?" She asked.

"Go get whatever you want, there's some in the fridge." Mike told her, Max grinning and dragging Will along to the kitchen.

"I'm going to get you drunk tonight and you're gonna have fun." Max announced, Will glaring over at her and rolling his eyes.

"Max, you know how I feel about alcohol." He murmured.

"I know, I know. I don't think it would be bad for you to have a little once a while though." Max told him, Will sighing and looking up at her.

"You are so annoying." He grumbled, grabbing a can and walking away from her.

"Knew you would." Max giggled.

"I'm only grabbing this because I won't be able to deal with you without this." Will teased, Max scoffing and giving his arm a small punch.

"Rude." She grinned, sitting down and pulling Will down with her.

Will just opened the can and took a large sip, knowing he'd need at least a can to be able to deal with everybody that night. The noise was already too much for him and Max's constant attempts at getting him to talk to everyone wasn't helping either.

A few hours later

After a while Max had drank her entire can and she whispered something to Lucas, Lucas smiling slightly and nodding.

"Me and Max are gonna go grab a drink, we'll be back in a minute." Lucas grinned, getting up and bringing Max along to the kitchen.

"Hey, um, I'm Dustin. You've been quite quiet all night and I just wanna make sure that you're okay." Dustin smiled as he turned to Will.

"Oh, uh. . . Yeah, I'm okay. I just- I don't really like loud stuff and, well. . ." He trailed off, gesturing to the loudness of the four others.

"It's okay, I get it. You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to, it's alright if you wanna just go back to your room. I was thinking about leaving soon anyway, I've got some coursework to do and these four seem pretty happy on their own." Dustin scoffed.

"Yeah, um, I might. . . I just- I don't wanna leave Max on her own, she's really stupid when she's drunk." Will chuckled, Dustin letting out a small laugh and nodding.

"Lucas is the same. I might just drag him along with me when I leave." He chuckled, Will smiling and nodding softly.

"What's your number? Maybe we could hang out sometime." Dustin asked, "You can just type it in my phone if you want." He offered, handing Will his phone.

"Wh- Yeah, yeah, I'll just- Give me a moment." Will stammered, taking Dustin's phone and quickly typing in his number.

"Cool! Thanks." Dustin smiled, Will smiling at him and laughing softly.

"You wanna grab a drink? I'm sure I can stay for a little while longer." Dustin asked.

"Um. . ." Will hesitated, ". . .Yeah, sure." He smiled, getting up and heading over to the kitchen, Dustin getting up and following him.

As the two walked in they saw Lucas and Max stood kissing, both of them sharing a look before rolling their eyes and grabbing their drinks, hurrying out before the two realized that they were there.

"Knew it." Dustin murmured, Will giggling and sitting back down.

Mike looked up and saw Will giggling at whatever Dustin had said, a weird feeling beginning to pool in his stomach as he saw how happy Will seemed to look.

"You okay?" El frowned, noticing how Mike had spaced out, "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Wh- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Um, just thinking." Mike laughed nervously, El frowning and nodding.

She noticed Mike had started to continuously look at Will, something obviously wrong.

"You know, I might head home, it's getting later and I wanna make sure Max gets home safe." El told him, Mike looking over at her and nodding.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you soon?" Mike asked, El smiling and nodding.

"Yeah, I'll text you later, okay?" She smiled.

"Yeah." Mike smiled, though he seemed a bit off.

El looked at him for a moment before sighing and just getting up, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing Max who was still stood with Lucas.

"Wh- It's not even that late! Why are we leaving?" Max frowned.

"Because we still have stuff to do tomorrow, incase you forgot. Now come on, I don't want you being too hungover tomorrow." El scoffed, Max just groaning and following her.

Will waved them off as they left, chuckling softly and looking back at the three boys who were now all sat down together.

"Yeah, we'll probably head off now too." Will heard Dustin say.

"Ugh, alright. Come over tomorrow, okay? I need to talk about something." Mike told them, Dustin and Lucas sharing a look before nodding and getting up.

As they headed out, Dustin gave Will a small smile and a wave, Will smiling and waving back.

"Still got some beer left over, you want some?" Mike offered as Will shut the door behind the two.

"Um. . . Yeah, sure. Why not?"

{Word Count: 900}

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