the breakup

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This is gonna be my perspective of the breakup

It's been 3 weeks and there fighting and then Tim kissed her and she pushed him away

T. I'm so sorry lulu


T. I'm just trying to be honest I went to three and most of the sessions I talked about you

L. Don't start plz u broke my heart Tim

T. Please hear me out

L. Fine

T. I went to therapy and I got help and I realized what I did was fucked up and I'm sorry but ever since I left u I haven't slept eaten or anything I need u Lucy I realized I fucked up and I'm sorry

Lucy kissed him and he kissed back and they eventually got back together until... They had a fight and then Lucy found out she was pregnant and she moved 3 years later Tim found her and their daughter and then they shared custody of her and Lucy found another person and she had another kid and Tim was jealous

Sorry it's short I'm tired and moody but I wish they can get back together

Word count 198

I'll post a part to of this tmr

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