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Lucy was in patrol and she started getting cramps and she was with Tim and she curled up in a ball

T. Chen u ok

L. Yes

She says fighting back tears

T. No your not

L these cramps are horrible

T. Cramps??? OHHHH thoes cramps

L. Mhm

T. Do u need anything

L. Are your hands warm

T. Yea

L.can you put it on my stomach as a heating pad

T. Sure

L. Thank you

He puts his hand on her stomach and she falls asleep so he calls out for the rest for the both of them

T. Lucy wake up

L. Hmmm

T. We're going to mine so your comfortable

L. mhm

T. Do u want to walk

L. No she says as she's reaching her arms out for Tim

He picks her up and takes her to the locker room but get a real bad cramp and Angela has to help her change

L. Tim it hurts bad

T. Oh Lucy come here

She goes to him and he picks her up with his hand on her stomach

She falls asleep and he puts her in the truck and removes her hand and Lucy feels pain and grabs his hand but

T. Lucy I need to get in the car

L. It hurts

T. Ok I'll only be a minute

He gets in reverses and then drives and he puts his hand back on Lucy's stomach

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