Nolan and Bailey's wedding

630 4 4

I have some time I'm in the car omw home from the hospital

Tim and Lucy just made up

I love u Tim

I love u to Luce

They go in the bathroom and start kissing
They start doing yk



L. Daddy

Tim comes in her and they go for 5 hours and then they walk out and they hear what happened to celena

L. What's going on

G. Celena is missing


N. I got a lead

L. We need to change

W. I'll get get your bags

L. Ok thanks

J. I'll come to

A. What happens

T. Celena was taken

A. Im coming

T. No your drunk and not cleared for active duty

A. Wtv

They find her and they go on their hunny moon

They live happily ever after and have 4 kids

Sorry I'm omw home and my arms hurt from the fireworks

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