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People say your whole life flashes in front of your eyes when you're about to die.

I never thought I would be proving them wrong.

All I see, as I fall down the abyss, is the oppressive darkness that surrounds me. Even as I close my eyes to think of the ones I love, I fail to recall a single instance of my ephemeral and obscure life. But more disturbing is that I can't even remember how I got here, as I'm subdued by this numbing silence carrying me to my doom.

I finally reach the bottom, crashing into water with a mighty splash. Trembling, I open my eyes to find myself in the ocean, every inch of my body screaming with excruciating pain. I look around instinctively, searching for solid ground, a spark of hope igniting inside me.

I'm soon disappointed, for there's only water around me, shimmering in moonlight. And as my gaze runs up to meet the dazzling sphere of radiance suspended in the sky, I begin to sink. I try to swim. I try to stay on the surface, but my arms and legs are as heavy as lead, dragging me down to my demise.

My heart grows wild, frantically beating against my chest as it fights for its life. My lungs turn into fire, burning without air as I descend deeper and deeper in, drowning in despair.

The lower my body falls, the higher my mind seems to soar.

Slowly, my heart begins to quiet down, as everything around me becomes an absolute stillness, a total absence. The absence of air to breathe, of hopes to hold on to. The absence of light, as I watch the moon disappear. And soon, even the absence of life, I fear.

As I'm about to close my eyes and succumb to the peaceful numbness, I see a godlike creature glowing in the dark. She glides toward me—her arms wide open, her face lustrous, her long black hair floating in the water around her.

Luna, she calls me. If you go, your enemies will find you.

Mom? I recognize the woman as she's now in front of me. I want to talk to her. I want to reach out and touch her. I want to hold her and feel the warmth of her embrace.

But no matter how hard I try, every attempt I make is futile.

Don't go, please. Don't let them find you, my mother implores, agitated, her intensifying agony making my eyes sting with tears.

Behind me, someone folds an arm around my torso and abruptly pulls me away.

My mother cries out as she tries to reach for me, her face contorting, her eyes filled with dread. My gaze drops to the arm pressed against my achy ribs, horror washing over me. I bend my hands around it to fight it, tugging and wriggling as much as I can.

All nothing but hopeless and frail moves.

I look up again to find my mother, hoping she could help me. But what I find instead is a beast with raging yellow eyes and bloody teeth. Terrified, I close my eyes, suddenly thankful for that arm pulling me away. Although, I fear it's too late for me now.

I can feel my body increasingly debilitating. Fading. Dying.

The stranger takes me out of the water and lays me down carefully, moistened blades of grass prickling my skin. "Come back to me, baby. Please, come back to me," he pleads before pressing his lips on mine, his hands holding my head up.

As he kisses me, I recognize the distinctive metallic taste on his lips.


A ripple of shivers runs through my whole body. Rattled, I open my eyes...only to find myself alone.

-End of Prelude-

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*This full novel is Copyrighted. All rights reserved. 

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