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I'm running frantically, a frightened little rabbit trying to escape her vicious predators.

I can hear the disturbing footsteps of my hunters approaching me as I race for my life, striving to reach that corner before they reach me, every second becoming an eternity.

Unfortunately, I'm not fast enough.

A hand clutches my arm from behind me, jerking me back in a brutal haul.

"Let go of me!" I cry out. "Let me go!" I wriggle as hard as I can, fiercely trying to fight the stranger off. But he's incredibly strong. It's useless.

He yanks my hair, pulling my head back achingly. I glance at him, his ashen, eerie face intensifying my panic. He leans forward, taking an exaggerated deep breath, smelling me.

"Who are you?" he murmurs in my ear as he pulls me closer.

Horror settles in my stomach, making me nauseous. I try to scream, but only a shaky and feeble sob comes out instead.

"Stop!" the other man yells. "Don't hurt her!"

"What do you care?" my aggressor grumbles.

"This feels wrong...I think we should take her to the boss..."

"No! She's mine." The man brushes his icy, chilling tongue over my neck.

I feel sick, my skin growing rough with goosebumps, my head floating. I keep struggling with the man, as he continues to argue with the other. I can't understand what they're saying anymore, as their voices begin to drift away slowly, becoming muffled whispers in my head.

I need to escape. I need to reach that corner...

Something strikes us as hard as a wrecking ball, ripping me out of the man's arms. And I collapse sprawled on the pavers, not aware of what's happening around me. After making a futile effort to stand up, I try to crawl instead. But I can't even do that. I'm too dizzy and weak.

"Stay away from her!" A rough voice snarls.

I jerk on the spot, recognizing that voice. My eyes rush to the commotion, and there he is, hovering aggressively over the slumped body of my attacker. His right foot is on the man's throat, pinning his neck to the ground. The man stares up at him, completely petrified.

And just like that, the hunter becomes the prey.

A stream of hope pours into my heart, like when the sunrise rescues the clouds from a dark, sinister night. I never thought I would ever be so happy to see him.

"If you ever come near her again, I'll kill you!" Sandro's tone is full of menace, as he forces his foot further down, crushing the man's neck even harder. He looks almighty, his towering body hovering over the assailant with such a frightening and forceful posture.

It's both appealing and intimidating at the same time.

"But I...I...she's..." the man on the floor whimpers, his voice cracking.

"She's mine," Sandro snarls. It's a low and croaky growl, yet as powerful and imposing as a lion's roar.

My entire body trembles at the sound, every hair on my skin rising.

"This is your only warning!" He lifts his foot off my attacker's neck, only to pick him up and hurl him with a force that should be impossible. The man goes flying, landing on his terrified accomplice, knocking him down. Both men stay laid on the pavers, not daring to move.

In a blur, I see Sandro flashing in my direction. He crouches down and swiftly scoops me up in his arms. I welcome his possessive embrace, like a vagrant and wounded puppy welcomes the safe arms of a new owner.

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