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We've survived our first week in Rome, and my friends want to go celebrate. They keep trying to convince me to join them. But after being out sightseeing with them all day, I'm looking forward to having a quiet time tonight. I want to stay alone in my room and read one of the books I found in the library.

"Come on, Luna...it's Saturday," Max insists, leaning against the doorframe as he holds the door to my room open.

"Tell me something, how many times do we all get to come to Italy together?" Arianna asks, standing in the middle of the room, next to Nina. "This should be quite the journey for all of us. And that's not going to happen if you stay here buried in your room."

I can't argue with that. She's right. They all are.

As much as I'm used to being by myself, I can't continue to push people away. I need to learn to accept and appreciate the company of others. If truth be told, I need to stop making excuses for being afraid. I'm a long way from home, and despite what my father says, I should enjoy whatever freedom I can get, now more than ever. After all, I had made a promise to myself to explore the city and learn from it as much as possible.

"Okay, okay...," I finally agree. "I'm in." I close my book and jump out of bed.

"Yay..." Arianna claps her hands softly as I make my way to the closet.

"There you go...it's about damn time, baby," Max says.

Nina winks at me proudly. She's the only one that understands me, the only one that knows I lived in confinement my entire life and what it has done to me. "Let's go wait for her downstairs," she urges, herding them all out of our room.

After getting ready, I meet my friends in the lobby.

"Alright...let's go." Max says, grabbing my arm.

"Where's Enrique?" I ask as we walk outside.

"Way ahead of us," replies Max.

"What do you mean?" I look at him, confused. "He's not coming with us?"

"No. He's already good friends with the Italian dancers...the bastard," he explains.

"He left with them as soon as we came back," Ronald adds. "They invited him out to dinner and to some exclusive club or something. Augh...I'm so jealous!"

"Well, I'm not surprised. Kike's very charming," I say.

"Yeah...whatever," Max sneers, as if disagreeing.

I frown at him. He's a handsome guy, tall and lean, well-built altogether. His vibrant eyes are the color of bourbon, same as his long hair. And he usually has a good attitude. But I find him a bit annoying at times. He's too flirtatious and can be vain sometimes.

Enrique, on the other hand, with his honey skin, dark expresso eyes, and short black hair, may not be as attractive as Max, but he is far more charming. He has a killer smile and a fantastic attitude. His best quality is his humble and warm personality. I love him for that. He's friendly, caring, and has virtues far more valuable than any physical attractions.

We walk a few blocks west of the house. After a couple of hours of exploring the nearby areas, we decide to have dinner outdoors at one of the restaurants we've discovered.

I may be the youngest one in the group, but in Italy, I happen to be old enough to drink alcohol, so I join my friends with a glass of red wine. 

"Like it?" Arianna asks as I take a sip, tasting wine for the first time.

"Yes, I do, actually," I reply before taking another sip.

"Well...cheers!" She raises her glass.

We all follow and do the same. "Cheers!"

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