Setting The Foundation's

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(First Five Hundred Years)

(Erik POV)
As I walk out of the keep, I still feel the same unknown power from Tatia's death. Looking around I see my ten new Sired vampires wearing their dull grey armor from them being guards as humans. Then I see Juliette, in her red dress, fit only for a princess. Next to her is Lilly in a yellow dress that has a hole in the chest right where her heart is.
Five of the guards are protecting the doors, as I walk through, they all bow their heads slightly the moment I pass one of them. The other five are surrounding a man who has as much height, as he does muscle. He has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Wearing the same type and color of traveling clothes that Mikael was dressed in.
As I reach Juliette and Lilly, I look at them before my eyes settle on Juliette and say.
"Hello love, mind telling me who this is?"
The man is the one to answer my question.
"My name is Jack; I have no idea how I go-"
"He came here with Mikael. They were like a pack in the way they attacked me. Jack here got my attention, distracted me, then as soon as I was going to attack your 'father' Mikael jumped me from the side."
Lilly interrupted Jack with a sneer when mentioning Mikael. I glance at her before back to Jack who looks completely lost while saying.
"Well, seems like one of my siblings compelled you, and seeing as I don't see Elijah's body anywhere I'm guessing they absconded with him in fear of Mikael. No matter, there are other things to do before I go after his body... Jack, would you like your memories back and understand why you are here? I think I could guess but it's always better to know."
Jack looks around seeing the five guards that are surrounding him being reinforced by the other five that were guarding the doors. He next looks at Lilly, then Juliette, and lastly looks at me while saying.
"I would very much like to know why, and how I am here."
I smile at Jack before I clarify for him.
"Know that after I wipe your compulsion, I will add my own just so you don't attack me or mine. You are Sired by my father Mikael after all."
When Jack nodded his head, I sped in front of him grabbing both sides of his head. While my palms began to glow red as I siphoned the compulsion away, making him scream in pain.
He drops to one knee, lightly cracking the ground where his knee, impacted the earth.
When I was done... before he could say or do anything, I grabbed him by the throat with both of my hands, forcing him to look at me, as my vampiric face shows. The only difference from a normal vampire was my eyes glowing a fiery red, while being bloodshot, and veins slithering up on my bottom eyelids, as I compelled him.
"You will never attack me or anyone you see In front of you. You will never try to remove this compulsion."
(Klaus POV)
Since we heard Erik's roar, I haven't been able to feel anything from him. Like when he was desiccated, or the night we became vampires. Shaking my head I push myself faster as my remaining siblings, Aurora, and I flee further and further towards our destination Italy.
(Erik POV)
When Jack repeats what I told him back to me I look towards the guards and tell them.
"Five of you men will be traveling to my homeland. There you will separate to different corners of this land mass here."
Pulling out the map that I had made based on my last life's memories showing them what would one day be North America, as I continued.
"You will build communities. How you do so is up to you. I would prefer my Sire Line to have a peaceful relationship with the wolves, but if you have to retaliate you may act however you see fit. Try not to get bit, you will die a pained death... What I truly care about is you creating more vampires. You will only pick those that are warriors. Everything else can be learned, but inside their hearts, they must be a warrior."
I take a moment, looking at all of them, before I speak again.
"Three of the other five will be separately searching for a person, a statue, really I will supply you with what she, or it, looks like when you all decide who is going where. I don't care who you three turn, as long as they are a benefit to my vampiric lineage. The three of you will get some of my blood for a locator spell if you find what you are looking for. Then find a witch to contact me. The last two of you will be gathering a few very important things for me, if what I plan is to be successful"
Just then Jack, who has been looking like he was in shock till now, with everything that he learned, or relearned asked.
"What about me? What do you plan to do with me now?"
I look at him for a long moment before shrugging, while I say.
"You, my unnaturally big friend, can do anything you want. I don't know what happened to you as a human, but you're a vampire now. You have an eternity to find what you want."
He looks oddly at me for a moment before saying.
"I have no idea what I truly am other than the week of training my physical abilities with Mikael. I have no idea what I can do or even what I truly am."
"You're a vampire. Seeing as you are from my father's line, I would guess you are his first Sired... You know what? If you want to come with us, spend time with us. learn until you find what it is you want for eternity. I would be willing to let you. Fair warning... you will probably have to fight Lilly here at some point, I can almost feel her anger towards you."
(Qetsiyah POV)
I appear in a clearing, and in the center, I can see a woman sitting in front of a grave with one hand resting on her stomach. She has a face I know well, the female Doppelganger, of this time. As I walk closer, she turns her head and her eyes widen.
"Hello child, I have some questions."
(Erik POV)
He looks shocked. Then he nods with gratitude before I turn to Lilly saying.
"You, my sister, can either stay with me or go wherever you want. I will not stop you, I just ask you to stay in touch from time to time."
She smirks at me, as she says.
"I will stay for now brother. Might leave now and then, but I'll always come back."
I smile back at her then I turn to Juliette before I can speak she kisses me deeply and says softly.
"Like I said earlier, we do this together, always."
I lean my forehead against hers as I say.
"Always and Forever."
It is then that the unknown power that was surrounding or watching me vanished like it was never there.
(Erik POV: 1003 Norway)
Walking down the pier of the very same village my mother and father were once from. I can't help but feel welcomed by the very land the village sits on. Looking to my left, when I feel someone grab my hand. I see Juliette in a grey traveling dress. While Lilly is in the same dress, but in black, is standing on Juliette's other side. Looking to my right, I see Jack wearing the same boiled leather armor that I am wearing, but his is brown. Looking back at the bustling village, I say to my companions.
"Ready to track a witch?"
(Freya POV)
I have been trapped, living in this little hut of a building, since I was five years old. Never to see my father or brothers, both Finn and the unborn Elijah ever again. I have tried running away many times. But it is like I am in a maze of my own mind once too far from the Hut. I am brought out of my thoughts by crying coming from Dahlia's room. I then see Dahlia walk in from outside as she says.
"Pack your things... We must be quick."

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