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"Kelly grab her arm, and Michelle open the door for her." I heard Angie say.

My body had went limp from all of the drinking and then trying to walk in these high heel boots. Jay stood at the doorway ready to help me inside but I quickly denied his assistance.

"I'm.. I'm fine." I said in a raspy tone.

Both Kelly and Michelle laughed a bit as they saw me still trying to remain angry at Jay.

"Shes been really on one with her attitude since I told
Her you were up and going to help her sober up." Angie said.

Jay smirked. "Yeah... she doesn't fuck with me right now." He said. "But that's okay, I guess I can accept that."

I rolled my eyes in disgust and  stumbled into the house. I pushed by Jay and fell onto the couch. 

He quickly gave me some water and encouraged me to drink some
Water before making sure the girls made it to their car. safely.

Once I heard the door closed I began to start trying to stand up on my own ultimately resulting in me falling again.

"Bey you have to let me help you." He said bargaining.

I shook my head no and stayed on the ground unzipping my shoes so I could attempt to stand up again.

"I'm grown, if I needed help I would ask for it." I snapped "when I needed help where were you? In jail. So why the fuck would I need your help now?"

Jay sighed and walked up to me anyways. I felt his strong arms pick me up and hold me tightly. A part of me wanted to rest my head on his chest and just allow him to carry me to my bed. But I was so damn angry for some reason. I couldn't let him know that I missed him.

"Get the fuck off me Jay, let me down." I whimpered

Completely ignoring me as if I didn't just give him a demand he carried me up the spiral staircase and down the long hallway that led to my bedroom.

"So you're mad at me because I was away for so long. I can understand that." Jay said to me lovingly. "I'm here now B, you just have to let me be here for you."

The door was locked so he looked to me to give him a code which I easily gave up.

"040408" I groaned weakly.

Jay laughed to himself as he put the numbers into the keypad and the door unlocked.

"Oh so you hate me but our wedding date is the code to your bedroom door? Copy."

I scoffed. "Jay fuck you... just put me down and get the hell out the house. You can go back to the guest house now."

Jays smile fainted as my words left my mouth. He then tossed me onto the bed and grabbed me a baggy shirt to Change into, tossing that onto the bed too.

"Girl what don't you understand about me making sure you straight? Women would kill to have a nigga like me. Doing the shit I do for your mean ass.." he snapped.

"Okay then go after those women. Stop chasing someone that doesn't give a fuck about you."

Jay laughed and then walked over to bathroom. I just sat in my bed and watched him. When he came back he had my skincare products in hand.

"Come here, let me help you take your makeup off." He said lovingly.

I huffed before scooting over to him. Gently he lathered my face removing the light layer of makeup off my skin. He then rinsed the rag out and wiped the residue off with a warm wash cloth. He then took my lashes off.

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