2. Your pouting in your sleep

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Max's Pov

Me and Bradley ended up parting ways to get to class.We talked and said we would figure out what to do after classes ended.A way to not you know ruin his reputation here more at the university.We talked and agreed we would met up after.I went to class and after class ending I met up with my friends at the dorms.

I walked in late and they noticed and asked me,

"Hey man where have you been?"Bobby asked.

"Yeah we were wondering what happened to you man, you disapeared on us,"PJ asks.

"Oh yeah sorry, I got called in and lost track in time and met up with Brad-"I caught myself before I said his full name.I was hoping they wouldn't catch on, on who I was saying but dang it they did.

"Wait.. Bradley?" PJ asked surprised.

"No way man, what are you doing with that guy?" Bobby asked astonished by what I said.

"No no no it's not what you think I promise!" I waved my hands at them.

"I had to help Bradley not lose his place here at the university, he wants to change," I stated a bit embarrassed for some reason.

"Well let me know how that goes Max,"PJ says turning away to play video games.

"Heheha good luck on that man, you'll need it," Bobby says.

I roll my eyes.


Bradley's POV

I'm walking to the spot me and Max would met.And I can't help but feel nervous..If this all goes wrong it'll just be terrible for me I don't think I'll be able to handle it.I wonder what I will have to do to prove that I have changed.Becuase I needed to prove to the whole university.To change their thinking of me compared to the X games.I star overthinking and am so lost in thought I bump into Max.

I grunted and noticed he was gonna fall nad caught him, a hand on his back and pulled him up.

"Ah i'm sorry about that Max, didn't see you there," I said.

"No no no  no!It's uh-it's alright, really!" Max said while fixing himself, trying to brush off as looking casual and not nervous.I recognized what he said and toke a moment to process (It's what I said to him when I met him for the first time at the Bean Scene) and we burst out laughing.I don't know how to explain why it was laughing.Max just has something special to him.

"God I see what you did there Max," I wipe away some tears from my face.Didn't know Max would make me feel this way.

"S-Sorry I had too!Hahaha!" he's holding his stomach and his face, his smile is so dang cute I cannot even explain it.God I hope I don't fall for him, falling for a old rival does not sound good.

"Alright," Max fixes himself and his clothes.

"So I was thinking, as a first step to becoming a likeable person, you apologize to the people you offended,"Max says.I smile akwardly.

"A good start would be Mocha Chino, you know the beret girl at the bean scene?"

"Oh yeah, her, alright let's go then," I sighed and we get our skateboards.We skateboard the whole way there but I found it a bit weird.Just regular skateboarding, no race no nothing, just next to him, no rivarly.

We make it to the front of the Bean Scene and Max walks over but I hesitate, Max notices.

"Hey don't worry Bradley, I'm sure she'll forgive you, she's a really cool girl," Max resures me.

"Yeah yeah no worries," I give him a thumbs up and I walk inside with him behind me.The Bean Scene is quiet as usual with a few people here and there chatting.And I spot the berret girl, mocha Chino talking with a group of friends.

I get a bit nervous and Max puts a hand to my back and nods at me.I start walking to the girl when she turns around notcies us and walks over to us.

"My my Max who have you brought?I hope he doesn't ruin the vibe here because I thought we made things clear," she said.

"No no it's not like that, in fact Bradley has something to say to you,"Max signals a 'all good' to me and I start

"Hey i'm sorry for the way I treated you when I first met you.It wasn't cool I was just looking for someone to be mad at, I shouldn't have been so rude to you, I'm trying to change for a new start.Do you mind if we forget the past and start again?"I raised my hand out to her.She smiles, taken aback she says

"Oh my gosh Max what have you done to make this man say these things?Well I forgive you, second chances are needed, I presume we will get along smoothly?" I nodded and she shakes my hand.

"Well I will get going, I have a special someone to met," she winks and walks out of the Bean scene.

"You did great Bradley!I knew you had it in you!Wanna get some coffee as a reward?I'll pay," he asks me whipping out his wallet.

"No no, thank you though,"I wave away his suggestion and he tilts his head back and smiles and we get a table.He goes to order and comes back with a frappucino in his hand and sits down.
(A/N: just imagine it's some coffee he would get, I don't really drink coffee or go to Starbucks so bear with me 😅).

"Hey," Max says to me as a greeting and starts drinking his coffee.

"Hi," I reply to him, putting a hand to my face.After a few seconds I notice that Max starts snickering, and holds back a laugh.I raise a eyebrow at him.

"What's so funny?"I asked him, looking right at him.He couldn't hold it in anymore and starts laughing while spitting out the coffee kinda choking on it.He spills on his clothes.

"Oh my gosh," I stand up and look for napkins and get some and start cleaning the table and then his clothes.He slowly stops laughing when he notices that i'm cleaning his dirty shirt.

"S-sorry,"He blushes and clears his throat.

"It's fine but don't apologize to me, apologize to your shirt that you ruined,"I say my hands off Max's chest now.

"I can have it cleaned well in my place," I offered and he grinned.

"No way, thanks!" He takes off his shirt and I manage to get a look at his body and can't help but get erotic thoughts.Gosh someone save me, I don't want any romance. I will make any excuse.

"What were you laughing about anyway?" I asked him.

"Oh just when you get thrown into space,"He scratches his head.My smile turns into the most disapointed annoyed frown.

"Sorry," He blurts out.I sighed.

He gives his shirt to me and we walk out and call it a day.As the sun was setting.

Max's POV

When I went to sleep that night I had trouble.I kept on thinking about Bradley and his attractive looks and all.I think I like him.No no impossible.I deny that.But why can't I get him off my mind?This is gonna be a long night...

(A/N: I really like how this story is looking so far :) god I love this ship, also the chapter was uninetionally long but that's ok!I hope there isn't any errors... or things written twice..  Anyways bye i'm going to watch Maxley tiktoks, have a good day/night!)

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