5. That Romance is Boring!

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(A/N: sorry for updating late ya'll my finals week killed me as a junior, this is my late treat to you guys, tysm for all the voting,reading,commenting and adding to stories it makes me so happy that people enjoy this silly adorable fanfic that I made of my dearest fav ship Maxley... alright enjoy! :3 )

Bradley's POV

Dear God after what happened at my house with Max I think i'm going insane. What was I thinking?! Kissing a guy and Max of all people.I shake my head trying to get him out of my mind. And distract myself with taking notes on the lecture. Hopefully it doesn't ruin whatever relationship me and Max have. Stupid fuck I insult myself. I may have made my face way too expressive and mad as the girl next to me was giving me looks. I have got to stop. How do I explain  to Max what happened and why I did that?What excuse do I use, because i'm just so damn confused with my feelings...?


The day ends up going way quicker than expected. Too quick for my liking... Though I did manage to come up with a good believable excuse. I meet up with Max at the usual spot, we greet each other akwardly.

"Ahem, hmm hello Max,"  I said as I made eye contact with him then quickly looked away. What a fool I am.

"Hey Bradley," Max replied with a grin on his face.i couldn't tell why he was making such a face. But I asked instead...

"Listen about what happened at my place.. I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, you resemble a celebrity crush of mine so.."I looked away at him when I said the last part. Does he believe me? Then again I don't even know the truth, and I groaned.
Max starts laughing at me.

"It-it's alright Brad it's in the past," Max manages to say while giggling.It instantly relaxes me and takes a big weight right off my shoulders. I like having this guy around.

"Ok then Max, you were scaring me, starting to sound like a girl," I said and he instantly stops laughing and glares at me.

"Okay Mr. Upercrust the third, today I have a favor for you, you'r gonna help me with making a study guide and how to prepare for future finals," Max spat.

"This sounds like a demand," I smirk.

"Yes you owe me for always helping you. Also have you noticed anything different with how people treat you here now?"Max asked hopefully waiting for a positive respsonse.

"People don't feel like talking bad about me anymore, especially since I'm hanging with my old rival and getting along with him pretty well," I say as I look him up and down.

"But thank you,"I breathed out and gave him a genuine smile. This guy makes me feel so at ease. So happy, I don't know what this is but i'm gonna stay with him as long as I can. But I hope we still hang out after.

"Your welcome Brad," Max replied. The nickname got to me, ok not like I haven't ever heard people call me that but hearing it out of Max's mouth made me all warm and fuzzy and happy inside.What the heck Mr. Bradley Upper crust the third you are not a highschool girl.

"Let's go Bradley," Max said and I followed him inside to the enormous library that we had. I wasn't nervous on my teaching skills, i'm pretty confident that I can take him. We sat at good table in the middle with two seats on each side allowing me to sit next to Max.

He picks out some books on math and business management. I gave him a look.

"Look I wanna be a skateboard designer,"Max said.

"Not a bad choice, I think it fits you Max,"I replied. We got to work and oohh he was terrible at these subjects. Sorry slightly struggling but me being perfect I was able to realize what was wrong and teach him. Of course I wasn't gonna let all my hard work go to waste and I made him take a bunch of notes. I notcied he used  a similar format on how I would take notes and that made me smile. I was a good influence to him.

"And that's how you make sure you do well in that math course,"I ended and realized he was taking notes on everything I said now. Well he is a freshman.

"Oh thank you so much Bradley, everything makes sense now oh I could just kiss you!" He said this sorta loud in the public library so you bet we both got second hand embarrassment. I wanted to die.

"Max if your gonna say those things to me say them quieter or better yet at a different location," I groaned hiding my face from everyone staring.

"Sorry," Max's face was beet red. I was so concentrated that I didn't notice a group of girls and guys walk over here, they weren't
intimidating but looked nervous.

"Soo... who here is a good tutor, all the other ones are taken right now.." a girl mumbled.

"Oh Bradley here is, he explains it so easy, he could just be a professor himself," Max said and I stopped him from rambling more as it made me ambarrassed. I swatted his hand away blushing,

"Max I think they understand now," I uttered. He made a cute face and whispered sorry to me.

"Well... is it alright if you tutor us...... Bradley?" Her guy friend asked and I could tell they were eon the edge of their seat embarrassed, wondering, waiting for what I was gonna say. I smirked and said..

"Of course don't be shy," I responded and urged them to sit down.Max gave me a big thumbs up. People were asking questions and talking, and I could even tell they were learning.Another girl asked for help and soon oohh so many people asked it was like I was Mr. popular again it felt nice.

"I will pay you $20 to tutor me for my calculus class," a guy offered.

"No no! Me! I'll do you better $30 for biochem plus a drink!"Another girl said.

"Guys guys relax... there is enough of Bradley to go around. But i'm a busy guy but.... I'm sure I can fit a few of you into my schedule and everyone cheered. But were quickly shushed. I felt happy and it was all thanks to Max. I turn to him and ruffle his hair. God I always wanted to touch it. He has pretty soft hair.

"H-hey!" Max mumbles and fixes his hair and I let out a chuckle.


We are exhausted after all that work and it's late now. I apologized and Max bought me a burrito as a treat.I was gonna pay but he insisted.

"We should get going now," I said, but not really wanting to leave.

"Yeah alright see you later Brad," Max yawned and stretched his arms and put one around my shoulder. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

"Smooth Max," I teased.

"We should hang out more, but without us having to do anything, just you and me chilling.. after all of this is over you down for that?" He asked me.

"I actually don't mind, I like that idea," I said to him.He gave me a sweet smile and said goodnight to me. I went to sleep that night with the biggest smile on my face. I smiled like a idiot the whole way. That Max.. I just don't know what he does to me but.. I like it. I actually like him.But not romantically haha... This is not romance.. Romance is boring, not my cup of tea haha. I thought trying to convince myself. I close my eyes to a peaceful night, with a dream of a certain black haired guy with piercings and a red shirt...

(A/N: Sorry this toke so long guys, T_T promise it won't take as long next time, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day/night!Bye! <3 I love the comments and votes)

Romance is Boring!! (A Maxley fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now